NSCA Campaign Guidelines

NSCA Campaign Guidelines Purpose Statement: To address the issues of campaign guidelines that pertain to newly nominated Board of Directors (BOD) and Nomination Committee candidates.

Rules and Regulations:

  1. In general, the candidates for election are expected to conduct themselves in a manner commensurate with the dignity of the office they aspire to
  2. Each candidate must sign an agreement that they will abide by the guidelines as The statement shall include a reference to having received and read these guidelines.
  3. In the event of a complaint, the reporter of a complaint may not remain anonymous to the BOD. However, that individual may request anonymity when the President conveys the complaint to other pertinent groups or All complaints will be investigated and if found to conflict with these guidelines, the candidate may be dismissed and not allowed to continue his/her campaign.
  4. The NSCA is opposed to soliciting any resources for campaign
  5. Committees, PDGs or SIGs may endorse their respective candidates. All voting shall be done online or on an individual basis at the specified voting areas NSCA Facebook pages may be used by supporters to endorse candidates.
  6. The NSCA may leverage communication channels to publish presentations or interviews with candidates, provided that the opportunity for equal time is given to all candidates for that position. A candidate’s email shall be given for questions and answers.
  7. Mass mailings of letters in support and/or for vote solicitation purposes of a candidate are allowed, whether authored by the candidate or a The same applies to email messages. Electronic or hard copy mail lists may not be obtained through the National Strength and Conditioning Association, its sponsors, or affiliates. The same applies to email messages and websites. Current or past NSCA volunteer candidates may not use mailing or email list provided to them in the fulfillment of their volunteer role.
  8. The NSCA will supply each candidate with a ribbon, pin or badge stating that person is a The NSCA will not allow any campaign buttons, stickers, or any other items to be used by the candidates or their supporters.
  9. Board of Directors candidates will get equal time to present themselves and their platform to the
  10. Candidates shall not stand near the voting areas during the National Conference for the purpose of soliciting

All candidates may speak freely to anyone at any time during the National Conference to discuss their views and platform.

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