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Notice: The NSCA website is scheduled to undergo system maintenance from 12:00 AM - 2:30 AM EST. During this time, there may be short service interruptions across the site and some parts of the site may not be accessible. We apologize for any inconvenience while we work to improve the website experience and security.

NSCAF BOD Minutes - February 1, 2013

Minutes of the NSCA Foundation Board of Directors Teleconference Meeting held February 1, 2013 1:30 pm central time.

Members present: Joan Eckerson, Brian Schilling, John Wingender, Todd Miller, and Tammy Evetovich

Called to order by Dr. Eckerson

I. Nominate Tammy Evetovich for Secretary (Dr. Eckerson)

  • Seconded (Dr. Miller)
  • Motion Carried

II. Dr. Eckerson appointed Dr. Schilling to be the BOD Representative for Scholarship Committee

III. Report on where we currently stand:

  • $3,756,189 12/30/2011
  • $4,100,542 12/31/2012
  • Aggregate value change: $344,353 (+9.1%)
  • 5% of the average of the last 12 quarters available for grants/scholarships in 2013
  • $3,785,151 X .05 = $189,258
  • Half to grants and half to scholarships ($94,629)
  • GNC increased their contribution to $20,000
    • $2,500 GNC Nutritional Research Grant
    • $2,500 Master’s grants
    • $5,000 Doctoral grants
    • $10,000 Young Investigator
  • NSCA $50,000 International Collaboration Grant
  • Total grants allocation: $164,629
  • Grand total grants/scholarships allocation: $259,258

GNC initially designated $1,500 for travel grants – because there was not enough time to get an application developed and on the website, GNC gave permission to add the $1,500 to YI grant.

IV. Dr. Eckerson brought forth a discussion with regard to a grant reporting form. In addition, we do not have an official policy on extensions and what we would do if an individual awarded a grant does not complete the project or perhaps mismanages the grant funds.

Motion – It is recommended that the Research Committee develop A) a grant reporting form and B) a method to use that form so that we are assured that it was completed by the awardees and can be accessed should they apply for a grant again in the future. (Dr. Schilling)

  • Seconded (Dr. Miller)
  • Motion carried
  • Dr. Eckerson will give them some kind of idea as to what should be included on the form.

Motion – It is recommended that the Research Committee develop a policy statement for grants to be included in the application process with regard to the expectation that grant monies be used properly and projects be completed in a timely manner. (Dr. Evetovich)

  • Seconded (Dr. Wingender)
  • Motion carried

V. General Discussion on how funds are awarded for grants and scholarships

  • Grants are written to the University
  • Scholarships are written to the person – they can use it however they wish to fund their education
  • Challenge scholarship wording on the website may need to change, says specifically must be used for tuition. Does it need to be less specific?

VI. SEI Account –

  • Real Estate Investment Trusts (REIT) generate about $5,000 in dividends per month. Currently, the money is reinvested into the REIT accounts
  • Motion – It is recommended that the NSCAF reinvest the cash flow from the REIT accounts and funds deposited by the NSCA into the SEI account. (Dr. Eckerson)
  • Seconded – (Dr. Miller)
  • Motion carried

Next NSCAF Meeting Thursday, July 11th at 2:30 at NSCA National Conference

Meeting to adjourn at 2:06 pm central time

Respectfully submitted by Tammy K. Evetovich, NSCAF Secretary

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