Notice: The NSCA website is scheduled to undergo system maintenance from 12:00 AM - 2:30 AM EST. During this time, there may be short service interruptions across the site and some parts of the site may not be accessible. We apologize for any inconvenience while we work to improve the website experience and security.


Notice: The NSCA website is scheduled to undergo system maintenance from 12:00 AM - 2:30 AM EST. During this time, there may be short service interruptions across the site and some parts of the site may not be accessible. We apologize for any inconvenience while we work to improve the website experience and security.

Gifts of Life Insurance

A gift of your life insurance policy is an excellent way to make a gift to the National Strength and Conditioning Association Foundation. 

If you have a life insurance policy that has outlasted its original purpose, consider making a gift of your insurance policy. For example, you may have purchased a policy to provide for minor children and they are now financially independent adults. 

A donor can designate the National Strength and Conditioning Association Foundation as a beneficiary to a new or existing life insurance policy. 

Benefits of gifts of Life Insurance 

  • If the National Strength and Conditioning Association Foundation retains the policy to maturity, you may receive additional tax deductions by making annual gifts so that we can pay the premiums.
  • If the National Strength and Conditioning Association Foundation cashes in the policy, you will be able to see firsthand how your gift supports our charitable work.
  • If the National Strength and Conditioning Association Foundation retains the policy to maturity, or you name us as a beneficiary, once the policy matures, the proceeds of your policy will be paid to our organization so that we can use the proceeds to further our charitable work.
  • Your gift of life insurance will help further the work and mission of the National Strength and Conditioning Association Foundation immediately! 

How to make a gift of life insurance 

For existing policies, you must notify your plan’s administrator and request a change of beneficiary form. On this form, you will then designate the National Strength and Conditioning Association Foundation (Federal Tax ID#26-0587834) as your primary or contingent beneficiary. 

For new policies, when completing your application, you will designate the National Strength and Conditioning Association Foundation (Federal Tax ID#26-0587834) as your primary or contingent beneficiary.  

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