Jonathan Kilian, DPT, PT, CSPS, CSCS

Contact Jonathan Kilian

Contact Jonathan Kilian

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Jon Kilian is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist (CSCS) as well as a Certified Special Populations Specialist (CSPS) both through the National Strength and Conditioning Association as well as holding certifications through the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) and various other fitness entities. He received his BS in Exercise Science from Liberty University in 2017 and both a Doctorate of Physical Therapy at the University of Lynchburg and a MS in Exercise Science and Wellness - Fitness and Performance cognate through Liberty University in 2022. Kilian is currently pursuing his PhD in Exercise and Sport Science. He currently practices physical therapy in Virginia, and strives to incorporate strength and conditioning principles into the rehabilitation world and change the mindset of training in physical therapy.

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