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For baseball athletes, the injury rate for pitchers __________ nonpitchers.


Greater amounts of _________ have been shown to be positively related to higher fastball velocity.


Based on the research presented, greater body mass coupled with lower elasticity may contribute to lower jump performances in baseball players in which age range?


Stride leg __________ GRF's have been shown to be correlated with fastball velocity during the windup and stretch deliveries.


Stride length is reflective of the amount of ___________ during the delivery.


Lower levels of rate of force development during which phase of jumping may be related to arm injury?


Unilateral lateral to medial jump distance has been shown to be related to fastball velocity in which population of pitchers?


Compared to professional position players, professional pitchers’ gluteus medius strength has been shown to be _______.


Based on the research presented on bilateral countermovement jump height, which of the following represents its relationship with fastball velocity?


Which of the following jump types may have a better potential to demonstrate the differences in the drive and stride legs?


For baseball athletes, the injury rate for pitchers __________ nonpitchers.


Greater amounts of _________ have been shown to be positively related to higher fastball velocity.


Based on the research presented, greater body mass coupled with lower elasticity may contribute to lower jump performances in baseball players in which age range?


Stride leg __________ GRF's have been shown to be correlated with fastball velocity during the windup and stretch deliveries.


Stride length is reflective of the amount of ___________ during the delivery.


Lower levels of rate of force development during which phase of jumping may be related to arm injury?


Unilateral lateral to medial jump distance has been shown to be related to fastball velocity in which population of pitchers?


Compared to professional position players, professional pitchers’ gluteus medius strength has been shown to be _______.


Based on the research presented on bilateral countermovement jump height, which of the following represents its relationship with fastball velocity?


Which of the following jump types may have a better potential to demonstrate the differences in the drive and stride legs?


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