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(819 found)

Becoming a Professional Strength and Conditioning Coach

May 1, 2015

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Becoming a Professional Strength and Conditioning Coach

Coaches Professional Development major league baseball MLB baseball Matthew Krause career development Coaching; Conference Career

What Makes a Good Coach?

February 28, 2015

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Coach Dave Forman speaks at the 2015 NSCA Coaches Conference on What Makes a Good Coach. In this first video of the series, Coach Forman discusses how he got started in his coaching career and learning experiences.

Coaches Professional Development Coaching Baseball Sean Marohn Career Conference 2015-Coaches-Conference

Strength of America Award


The National Strength and Conditioning Association is dedicated to ensuring the safety of young athletes through the education and promotion of best-practices when training on the field and in the weight room. The Strength of America Award™ honors schools that exhibit the highest standards in the safety and success of young athletes.

Collegiate Strength and Conditioning: The KU Way

May 1, 2015

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Collegiate Strength and Conditioning: The KU Way

Coaches Organization and Administration Professional Development Collegiate strength and conditioning programs How to become a collegiate strength and conditioning coach Collegiate strength and conditioning coach Career as a strength and conditioning coach Assistant strength and conditioning coach jobs Strength and conditioning internships Strength and conditioning coach jobs Andrea Hudy

The Importance of Boundaries and Roles for Coaches

March 3, 2023


The purpose of this article is to provide some actionable topics for communication that can increase the frequency and effectiveness of communication for strength coaches with their sport coaches.

Coaches Professional Development Professional Development Communication Coaching Mentorship

Becoming a Collegiate Strength and Conditioning Coach

May 1, 2015

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Coach Favre speaks at the 2013 NSCA National Conference. In this first of four videos, he will go over some of the traits and abilities that make a good collegiate strength and conditioning coach, including communication, attention to detail, initiative, and integrity.

Coaches Organization and Administration Professional Development Michael Favre Coaching

Practical Methods for the Strength and Conditioning Coach to Develop Student-Athlete Leadership—Part I

June 1, 2017


In the intercollegiate athletic setting, the strength and conditioning coach can play a role in the development of student-athlete leadership. For the strength and conditioning coach to be a positive contributor to this effort, he or she must have a clear understanding of their role, the role of the sport coach, and the interaction and relationship between the two.

Coaches Organization and Administration Professional Development NSCA Coach Student-athlete leadership strength and conditioning

Becoming a Tactical Strength and Conditioning Coach

May 1, 2015

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Captain Tony Soika, MS, CSCS, TSAC-F, speaks at the 2013 National Conference on what it takes to become a tactical strength and conditioning coach. In this first of four videos, Tony reviews the importance of leadership.

TSAC Facilitators Professional Development Strength and Conditioning Coaching; TSAC Tactical

Coach Development

May 1, 2015

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Brian Gearity presents, "Coach Development"

Coaches Program design Professional Development Brian Gearity career development Coaching Conference Career

Tactical Facilitators in Firefighting

July 31, 2014

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John Hofman speaks at the 2014 NSCA National Conference about being a tactical facilitator in firefighting.

TSAC Facilitators Coaches Program design Organization and Administration Professional Development Tactical Strength and Conditioning TSAC Firefighter training Firefighter Tactical Demands

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