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(424 found)

The Art of Coaching and Its Effect on Performance: Becoming a Better Coach

January 28, 2013


In this lecture from the NSCA's 2013 Coaches Conference, Dr. Brian Gearity talks about the impact that coaching can have on athletic performance.

Coaches Exercise Science Professional Development Athletic Performance Coaching Coaching Philosophy Coaching Performance Impact of Coaching 2013-Coaches-Conference

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Episode 6: Megan Young


Megan Young, Performance Coach at Auburn University, talks to the NSCA Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, Scott Caulfield, about the data revolution and combining science and coaching to validate the “coaching eye.” They also discuss the importance of your professional network, building a strong performance team, and the need to unify the profession.

Coaches Professional Development

Autonomy-Supportive Coaching: A New Perspective on Training Athletes

November 12, 2021

Video Members Only

From the 2021 NSCA’s Coaches Conference, Adam Feit, Coordinator of Physical and Mental Performance at Springfield College, discusses the benefits of satisfying athletes’ and coaches’ basic psychological needs. He also explains how behaviors can help or hinder performance and how to create an autonomy-supportive training and coaching environment.

Coaches Professional Development Behaviors Motivation Support Feedback Autonomy-Supportive Training

Wellness Coaching – Keeping Military Members Fit to Fight

September 3, 2021


The purpose of this article is to present evidence for implementing wellness coaching practices for enhanced dissemination of knowledge and improved efficacy of lasting behavior change, positively affecting the service member’s fitness performance levels and decreasing risk of lifestyle disease development.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Nutrition Program design Wellness Coaching Dietary Supplements Health-Related Behaviors

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast Special Episode – The Importance of Mentorship and Mental Health with Connor Agnew and Scott Caulfield


Connor Agnew, Director of Basketball Performance at Appalachian State University, and Scott Caulfield, Director of Strength and Conditioning at Norwich University, joins the NSCA Coaching and Sport Science Program Manager, Eric McMahon on this Gatorade Performance Partner Special Episode, highlighting “The Importance of Mentorship and Mental Health” in strength and conditioning. The discussion emphasizes the need for coaches to cope with adversity and rely on trusted mentors along their professional journey. Connect with Connor on Instagram: @strengthcoachconnor or Twitter: @CoachConnorSC | Connect with Scott on Instagram: @coachcaulfield or Twitter: @scottcaulfield | Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs or Twitter: @ericmcmahoncscs | To learn more and join the Gatorade Performance Partner Community, visit GatoradePerformancePartner.com. Find additional NSCA resources in the areas of mentorship and mental health, you can stream the NSCA Coaching Podcast and select conference sessions on NSCA.tv.

Coaches Professional Development

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