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(392 found)

Member Awards


The NSCA is proud to recognize the outstanding work of our professionals around the world. Please take time to nominate your peers when you see excellence that deserves recognition.

50 Mistakes Young Coaches Make That Keep Them from Getting the Position They Want

January 18, 2020

Video Members Only

Brian Thompson, Director of Strength and Conditioning at Springfield College, helps young coaches develop an understanding of how small mistakes can make a big difference while interviewing for a strength position. This session provides knowledge of how the selection process works for employers and discusses how to apply better professionalism to get the positions you want.

Coaches Professional Development Interview Skills Resume Professional Development

NSCA Jerry Martin Strength and Conditioning Scholarship Fund


The NSCA Jerry Martin Strength and Conditioning Scholarship Fund provides support to students planning to pursue careers as strength coaches. Named in honor of Coach Jerry Martin, longtime strength coach and recipient of the NSCA’s 2015 Boyd Epley Award for Lifetime Achievement, the Jerry Martin Strength and Conditioning Scholarship Fund was created in order to support NSCA members who are in college and intend to pursue a career in strength and conditioning coaching.

Professional Development Groups


Grow as a professional and connect with peers by engaging in one or more NSCA Professional Development Groups. Discover resources, share your knowledge and get your questions answered. To join, please visit each group’s corresponding Facebook group and request to join. You may also update your preferences on your Account page.

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Episode 30: Maura Bergan


Maura Bergan, Associate Professor of Exercise Science and Sports Studies at Springfield College, talks to the NSCA Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, Scott Caulfield, about social media in the exercise science field, key career decisions, and qualities and values that help you as a coach.

Coaches Professional Development

OK Coach, So I Got My CSCS; Now What?

May 1, 2015


OK Coach, So I Got My CSCS; Now What?

Coaches Professional Development CSCS Strength and Conditioning Coach Career in Strength and Conditioning Bryan Mann Boyd Epley Mike Bugielsk David Szymanski

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