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Notice: The NSCA website is scheduled to undergo system maintenance from 12:00 AM - 2:30 AM EST. During this time, there may be short service interruptions across the site and some parts of the site may not be accessible. We apologize for any inconvenience while we work to improve the website experience and security.

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Claims and Litigation

November 22, 2019


This article briefly discusses what personal trainers should know about claims and lawsuits.

Personal trainers Legal Issues Personal Trainers Claims and Lawsuits Legal Concepts

Validated Physical Abilities of the California Law Enforcement Patrol Position of a Large Southern California Agency

April 1, 2017

Article Members Only

To operate at the highest level possible, tactical athletes should train for the validated physical abilities applicable to their respective positions as identified by applicable subject matter experts.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Legal Issues law enforcement physical training Validated physical abilities TSAC-F

Becoming a Special Populations Personal Trainer

June 1, 2017


In this career series article, developing personal training skills to train special populations is discussed; it includes starting out as a novice through the expert level.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Professional Development Career Conference Special Populations CSPS Personal Training healthcare

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Episode 89: Dr. Josiah Igono


Josiah Igono, Director of Peak Performance for the Texas Rangers Major League Baseball (MLB) team, talks to the NSCA Coaching and Sport Science Program Manager, Eric McMahon, about what defines performance. Topics under discussion include the importance of coaching mental skills, diversifying your skillsets as a coach, and leaving a legacy. Find Dr. Igono on Instagram: @josiahigono or Twitter: @JosiahIgono | Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs or Twitter: @ericmcmahoncscs

Coaches Professional Development

David Tenney | Learn the High-Performance Playbook


Regarded as a sport science advocate in Major League Soccer (MLS), follow David Tenney’s journey from sport coach to High Performance Director at Austin Football Club (FC). Tenney and NSCA Coaching and Sport Science Program Manager Eric McMahon begin by discussing increases in MLS staff and embracing the overlap between coaching and performance science staff. Tenney reflects on how experienced coaches often evolve toward mentorship, finding balance between “leader” and “practitioner.” The pair examine the new MLS-mandated performance scientist position, which requires the Certified Performance and Sport Scientist® (CPSS®) credential. Created to standardize the role and responsibilities, MLS performance scientists leverage data from GPS and force plates into effective and ethical takeaways. As President of the emerging Professional Soccer Performance Association (PSPA), Tenney shares his goals to create a network, gain representation, and increase credibility. Tenney and McMahon also explore the robust MLS developmental pipeline, interviewing strategy, and early career advice. Connect with David on Twitter/X: @davetenney or LinkedIn: @david-tenney | Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs or LinkedIn: @ericmcmahoncscs For a deeper look into sport science, explore career trends and how to leverage the CPSS certification into new career opportunities. Discover your next job or internship on the NSCA Job Board. This episode discusses David Tenney’s PhD dissertation, An Exploration of the Leadership Competencies Required for High-Performance Directors in North American Professional Sports Organizations, which includes interviews with NFL, NBA, MLB, NHL, and MLS leaders.

Coaches Professional Development
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