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(755 found)

From Flag to Friday Night—Long-Term Athlete Development in Youth American Football

February 11, 2019


Approximately 2 million youth from 6 - 12 years of age participate in football every year. This article discusses the importance of long-term athletic development (LTAD) for youth football athletes and the significance of a player development pathway for long-term success and longevity in the sport.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Organization and Administration hs-coaching LTAD Long Term Athletic Development Youth Football

NSCA Welcomes New Executive Director


Colorado Springs, CO - A seasoned professional with a history of leading nonprofit, membership-based associations, Michael Massik joins the NSCA as Executive Director effective in January 2016.

Justin Loudon - NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Season 7 Episode 20


Have you ever considered getting a K-12 teaching license, with your CSCS, to gain employment as a high school strength and conditioning coach? Coach Justin Loudon serves as the Chair of the NSCA High School Coaches Professional Development Group (PDG). He shares PDG updates with NSCA Coaching and Sport Science Program Manager, Eric McMahon, including highlights from the 2024 NSCA Coaches Conference and direction for the future of high school coaching. Learn about the impact of school-based strength and conditioning beyond the weight room, and important benefits for students over their lifetime. Connect with Justin on Instagram at: @coach_loudon or by email: loudonsc@gmail.com| Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs or X (Twitter): @ericmcmahoncscs | Here is a link to engage with NSCA Professional Development Groups. As mentioned in the episode, check out the book: NSCA's Guide to High School Strength and Conditioning

Coaches Professional Development

NSCA’s Commitment and Action to Advance the Strength and Conditioning Profession


NSCA President Greg Haff shares the key takeaways from recent strategic plan meetings and outlines the organization’s commitment to advancing the strength and conditioning profession.

Leadership and Diversity Training Program

Leadership and Diversity Training Program Overview. The purpose of the NSCA Leadership and Diversity Training Program is to prepare and position students and professional members from underrepresented groups for participation in NSCA volunteer activities that will lead to increased retention, service and leadership opportunities.

Essentials Of Sport Science Textbook


The NSCA is offering a new book that contains a holistic overview of the knowledge and skills required to support athlete and team performance as a modern-day sport scientist. Learn more here about this new resource.



You can find answers to the most frequently asked questions the NSCA receives here.

Training Considerations for People with Disabilities

July 1, 2014

Article Members Only

Most people suffer from some degree of injury, illness, or disease at some point. As a result, there is a need for strength and conditioning professionals who can develop effective exercise programs for people with disabilities.

Personal trainers Program design wheelchair exercises health and fitness physical fitness Personal trainer

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