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NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Season 6 Episode 16: Mary Beth George


Learn about advocacy topics for collegiate strength and conditioning coaches, and the commitment of the NSCA to provide professional development resources in support of the field. This episode features Mary Beth George, the Chair of the NSCA College Coaches Professional Development Group (PDG). She shares her story in the profession with NSCA Coaching and Sport Science Manager, Eric McMahon, including key insights on the NSCA’s ongoing efforts to support athlete wellness and safety, and personal perspectives on being a strength and conditioning coach as a parent. Tune in for an early listen of areas that will be discussed at the College Coaches PDG Meeting next month as part of the 2023 Coaches Conference (Charlotte, NC, January 4-6). Connect with Mary Beth via email at megeorge01@ysu.edu or on Instagram at mbgeorge2569| | Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs and Twitter: @ericmcmahoncscs You can join the College Coaches PDG Council before the December 15th annual NSCA Volunteer Application deadline.

Coaches Professional Development

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NSCA Foundation Announces New Memorial Scholarship


The NSCA Foundation is honored to announce the creation of the Markus Paul Memorial Scholarship.



Attend a CSCS Exam Prep Clinic and receive a comprehensive review of the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to pass the CSCS certification exam successfully. Qualified industry professionals use their expertise to assist you and will answer your questions in this 2-day clinic. Strive for success – sign up today for this NSCA Exam Prep Clinic!

CSCS EPL - MAR Abilene 2025


Attend a CSCS Exam Prep Clinic and receive a comprehensive review of the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to pass the CSCS certification exam successfully. Qualified industry professionals use their expertise to assist you and will answer your questions in this 2-day clinic. Strive for success – sign up today for this NSCA Exam Prep Clinic!



Attend a CSCS Exam Prep Clinic and receive a comprehensive review of the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to pass the CSCS certification exam successfully. Qualified industry professionals use their expertise to assist you and will answer your questions in this 2-day clinic. Strive for success – sign up today for this NSCA Exam Prep Clinic!

CSCS EPL - March SNU 2025


Attend a CSCS Exam Prep Clinic and receive a comprehensive review of the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to pass the CSCS certification exam successfully. Qualified industry professionals use their expertise to assist you and will answer your questions in this 2-day clinic. Strive for success – sign up today for this NSCA Exam Prep Clinic!

CSCS EPL - March DeSales Uni 2025


Attend a CSCS Exam Prep Clinic and receive a comprehensive review of the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to pass the CSCS certification exam successfully. Qualified industry professionals use their expertise to assist you and will answer your questions in this 2-day clinic. Strive for success – sign up today for this NSCA Exam Prep Clinic!

CSCS EPL - APR Lasell 2025


Attend a CSCS Exam Prep Clinic and receive a comprehensive review of the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to pass the CSCS certification exam successfully. Qualified industry professionals use their expertise to assist you and will answer your questions in this 2-day clinic. Strive for success – sign up today for this NSCA Exam Prep Clinic!

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