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NSCA awards are governed by this following general criteria. Please visit the individual award's page for specific criteria.

Ben Davis High School Strength and Conditioning Program—Large School Program with Applications for Any Size School

June 27, 2015


One area that can have great impact on the success of a high school athletic department is the strength and conditioning program. This session from the 2015 NSCA National Conference provides insights from Coach Kevin Vanderbush’s personal experience as the strength and conditioning coach at Ben Davis High School for 31 years. This session covers the most important components of strength and conditioning at the high school level and provides both the rationale behind certain practices as well as practical tips.

Coaches Program design Safety Professional Development high school athletes high school sports programs LTAD long term athlete development High school athletics hs-coaching

How to Improve Ankle Dorsiflexion and Calf Strength for Better Performance

April 15, 2022

Article Members Only

This article highlights four non-traditional calf exercises that can immediately be used in strength programs for improving calf strength while also increasing ankle dorsiflexion mobility.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design

Challenges and Solutions for the Small College Strength and Conditioning Coach

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Small college strength and conditioning coaches face a multitude of challenges when creating and implementing systematic individualized programs. In this session from the NSCA 2016 Coaches Conference, Josh Bullock—Strength and Conditioning Coach at Emory and Henry College—identifies the potential pitfalls to improving athletic performance at the small college level, and provides several solutions.

Coaches Program design Organization and Administration Professional Development collegiate strength and conditioning coach college strength and conditioning coach become a collegiate strength coach NCAA

Becoming a Tactical Strength and Conditioning Coach

May 1, 2015

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Captain Tony Soika, MS, CSCS, TSAC-F, speaks at the 2013 National Conference on what it takes to become a tactical strength and conditioning coach. In this first of four videos, Tony reviews the importance of leadership.

TSAC Facilitators Professional Development Strength and Conditioning Coaching; TSAC Tactical

Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coaches—Apply for Jobs with the Best Strategy: A Personal Perspective

November 1, 2015

Article Members Only

Looking for a job is an art and a skill. Not looking at it that way may cost a strength and conditioning coach a great opportunity. This article provides one experienced coach’s perspective on what is important as a strength and conditioning coach looks to climb the ladder or change positions in the profession.

Coaches Organization and Administration Professional Development coaching career how to get a job strength and conditioning

NCAA Division I Certification Standard for Strength and Conditioning Coaches


On April 24, 2014, the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) adopted a standard of certification for Division I strength and conditioning coaches. The article provides information and answers to frequently asked questions about the standard.

NSCA Announces 2025 Coach of the Year Awards

The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) is proud to announce the recipients of the organization’s 2025 Coach of the Year Awards

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