NSCA-CPT Exam Study Materials

The NSCA-CPT® examination is based upon the critical knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSA’s) needed to safely and effectively work as a personal trainer. These KSA’s are developed following a job analysis and are used to create the NSCA-CPT Detailed Content Outline (DCO). To support individuals seeking certification as a Personal Trainer, the NSCA has developed a number of optional preparatory materials. These materials are not required nor should they be considered as the sole resources for the exam. The purchase of these materials by exam candidates does not guarantee a passing score.

  • NSCA-CPT Study Guide | This guide will provide a better understanding of the exam, exam development, exam format, method of scoring, and best recommendations for studying.
  • NSCA-CPT Quizzes and Practice Test | Individual domain quizzes and a full-length practice test provide candidates exposure to the content being assessed as well as the type and difficulty of questions found on the NSCA-CPT certification exam. 
  • Exercise Technique Manual, 4ed | This book includes links to online videos demonstrating the performance of a variety of free weight and machine exercises.
  • Essentials of Personal Training, 3ed | A great resource for students and practicing strength and conditioning professionals. This comprehensive resource explains the key theories, concepts, and scientific principles of strength training and conditioning as well as their direct application to athletic competition and performance.
    • Individuals can select to bundle the text with the Human Kinetics online study course that provides a guided reading plan.



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NSCA-CPT Exam Prep Live - Online!

The NSCA Exam Prep Live Clinic provides exam candidates with study recommendations and a comprehensive review of the most challenging content found on the exam. These clinics are hosted online and can help you narrow your focus of study. Your time is valuable; spend it efficiently by attending a clinic with subject matter experts!

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