TSAC Research Review, Issue 38.3

by Rod Pope, PhD
TSAC Report April 2014
Vol 38, Issue 1


This research review covers topics such as the effects of police officer equipment loads, military occupational specialties, and the effects of protective clothing and self-contained breathing apparatus for firefighters.

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This article originally appeared in TSAC Report, the NSCA’s quarterly, online-only publication geared toward the training of tactical athletes, operators, and facilitators. It provides research-based articles, performance drills, and conditioning techniques for operational, tactical athletes. The TSAC Report is only available for NSCA Members. Read more articles from TSAC Report 



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2. Anderson, MK, Grier, T, Canham-Chervak, M, Bushman, TT, and Jones, BH. Occupation and other risk factors for injury among enlisted U.S. Army soldiers. Public Health. Retrieved 2015 from http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.puhe.2015.02.003.
3. Carlier, IVE, Voerman, AE, and Gersons, BPR. The influence of occupational debriefing on post-traumatic stress symptomatology in traumatized police officers. British Journal of Medical Psychology 73(1): 87-98, 2000.
4. Dempsey, PC, Handcock, PJ, and Rehrer, NJ. Body armour: The effect of load, exercise and distraction on landing forces. Journal of Sports Sciences 32(4): 301-306, 2014.
5. Dempsey, PC, Handcock, PJ, and Rehrer, NJ. Impact of police body armour and equipment on mobility. Applied Ergonomics 44(6): 957-961, 2013.
6. Leonardatos, C, Blackman, PH, and Kopel, DB. Smart guns/foolish legislators: Finding the right public safety laws, and avoiding the wrong ones. Connecticut Law Review 34: 157-219, 2001. 
7. Lewinski, WJ, Dysterheft, JL, Dicks, ND, and Pettitt, RW. The influence of officer equipment and protection on short sprinting performance. Applied Ergonomics 47: 65-71, 2015.
8. Mayhew, C. Protecting the occupational health and safety of police officers. Trends and Issues in Crime and Criminal Justice 197: 2001.
9. Orr, R, Pope, R, Johnston, V, and Coyle, J. Load carriage: Minimising soldier injuries through physical conditioning – A narrative review. Journal of Military and Veterans’ Health 18(3): 31-38, 2010.
10. Perroni, F, Guidetti, L, Cignitti, L, and Baldari, C. Absolute vs. weight-related maximum oxygen uptake in firefighters: Fitness evaluation with and without protective clothing and self-contained breathing apparatus among age group. PLoS ONE 10(3): e0119757.




About the author

Rod Pope, PhD

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