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Program Design

(897 found)

Kinematic and Kinetic Chains

June 1, 2017


The importance of recognizing a closed-chain activity lies in the fact that the motions of multiple joints are coupled. Weakness at any one joint will consequently limit performance of the entire movement.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Program design kinematic chain kinetic chain strength and conditioning

Sample 5K Training Plan for Runners

May 1, 2017


This excerpt from the book Developing Endurance, published by Human Kinetics, presents a sample 5K training plan for runners.

Coaches Program design 5k training plan couch to 5k 5k training program how to run a 5k Suzie Snyder sprint training 5k for beginners

Safe Progression for Balance Exercises

May 1, 2017


A major concern with balance and joint-stabilization exercises is to avoid potentially dangerous movements that depend on the preparedness of the athlete or patient and on the state of the healing tissue. Learn about progressions that minimize risk to the athlete or patient.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design balance exercises joint-stabilization exercises strength and conditioning injury avoidance prehabilitation

Needs Analysis for Injury Prevention

May 1, 2017


By understanding the means by which athletes encounter risk, strength and conditioning professionals can integrate exercise programs that may offset one of the steps toward injuries.

Coaches Program design injury prevention needs analysis

Lactate Threshold and Maximal Exercise Performance

August 13, 2018


Scientific research has identified lactate threshold (LT) and maximal exercise performance as being very important contributors to endurance performance. A well-designed endurance training program can lead to improvement in both LT and maximal exercise performance within a single season and from season to season.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Endurance Developing Endurance Lactate Threshold

Integration of Endurance Resistance Training

May 1, 2017


When integrating resistance training, endurance athletes must ensure that the sessions or workouts are sequenced in the context of the overall workload. Giving careful thought to these factors when designing the training plan will increase the chances of success.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design endurance training strength training weight training

Hierarchical Structure of Periodization Cycles

August 24, 2018


The periodization of training is facilitated by a hierarchical structure that allows for several distinct interrelated levels that can be used in the planning process. Each level of the periodization process should be based on the training goals established for the athlete or team.

Coaches Program design Periodization Program Design Training Load Training Volume

Client Consultation

May 1, 2017


During the initial interview, the personal trainer and client assess compatibility, develop goals, and establish a client-trainer agreement.

Personal trainers Program design Personal training Personal training certification personal training client consultation how to become a personal trainer personal trainer client consult fitness assessment

Core Exercises for Ice Hockey

May 1, 2017


Focusing on developing the core muscles in a strength and conditioning program for ice hockey players can improve performance of movements on the ice.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Hockey training core conditioning ice hockey

Biomechanical Analysis in Practice

May 1, 2017


This article outlines some very basic procedures for video analysis that strength and conditioning professionals can use to identify the physical demands of specific activities.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Training program design sports performance video analysis video analysis strength training exercise program design

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