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(451 found)

Biomechanics of Speed

September 16, 2019


This excerpt from Developing Speed looks at how a fundamental understanding of the biomechanical principles that affect speed can assist coaches and athletes in developing running speed.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science Program design Speed Force Biomechanics Laws of Motion

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Season 6 Episode 7: Elton Crochran


Learn about middle school and high school strength and conditioning from 2022 NSCA Coaches Conference presenter Elton Crochran. Coach “Croc” shares his story about transitioning from collegiate strength and conditioning to his work as the Strength and Conditioning Coordinator at Randolph Field School District in San Antonio, TX. Crochran is currently the Head Strength and Conditioning Coach at Veterans Memorial High School. He talks about his hands-on coaching session from Coaches Conference, as well as developmental milestones across key stages of long-term athlete development. Find “Coach Croc” on Instagram: @ecrock2 or Twitter: @TheCrocShow| Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs or Twitter: @ericmcmahoncscs

Coaches Professional Development hs-coaching

Youth Athlete Bundle CEU Quiz

Quiz CATD 1

This continuing education opportunity explores a variety of topics as they pertain to training the youth population. To earn your CEUs, it will be necessary to review several articles and pass a 50-question quiz. Please note: this quiz awards 1.0 CEU (10 contact hours). Articles 1) Effects of Balance Training on Physical Fitness in Youth and Young Athletes: A Narrative Review 2) Seven Pillars of Prevention: Effective Strategies for Strength and Conditioning Coaches to Reduce Injury Risk and Improve Performance in Young Athletes 3) Navigating the Complex Pathway of Youth Athletic Development: Challenges and Solutions to Managing the Training Load of Youth Team Sport Athletes 4) Energy and Macronutrient Considerations for Young Athletes 5) Assessing Athletic Motor Skill Competencies in Youths: A Narrative Review of Movement Competency Screens

Typical Starting Patterns

September 18, 2020


This excerpt from Developing Speed discusses the various start patterns that exist and how to include them in a speed development program.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Speed Stance Acceleration Direction Transition Static Start Rolling Start

Improving Attribution Patterns for Strength and Conditioning Contexts

April 1, 2015

Article Members Only

One challenge is to critically examine your own successes and failures to find a way to attribute the outcomes to something you can control and can change for the future. This could be as small as how you deal with a single person, or it could be a more in-depth examination of how you provide feedback to athletes and how you work with your own staff.

Coaches Exercise Science coaching sport psychology attribution



As an educational non-profit, the NSCA is dedicated to advancing strength and conditioning knowledge by providing industry-leading certifications, research journals, career development services, networking opportunities, and continuing education. Our strength and conditioning certifications include the CSCS, NSCA-CPT, CPSS, CSPS, and the TSAC-F.

Acceleration vs. Maximum Speed

June 1, 2017


Acceleration and maximum speed are terms used in speed development programs, and when developing a program, it is vital to differentiate between the two. This allows coaches to target their training to the capacity most important in their own sport.

Coaches Exercise Science kinetic select Acceleration speed strength and conditioning sport performance

Career Development for Women as Strength and Conditioning Coaches

December 23, 2015


This article discusses career development and progression for women in the field of strength and conditioning. Coach Andrea Hudy provides her personal insight as she touches on goal setting, core values, and professionalism.

Coaches Professional Development Strength and Conditioning Coach Jobs strength coach jobs strength conditioning jobs

The Tribe Mindset – Developing a Meaningful Team Culture

Members Only

The purpose of this article is to highlight some practical methods to develop a collectivist mindset that is unified around core team values. This article also covers how to translate those theoretical constructs into actionable development of a meaningful team culture.

Coaches Professional Development Relationships Purpose Lead by Example Consistency

Windows of Optimal Trainability

April 1, 2016

Article Members Only

The “five Ss” of trainability and performance are critical periods of development that all youth strength and conditioning coaches should consider when creating a training program. Coaches should take advantage of each window to maximize a youth athlete’s potential and help ensure a long athletic career.

Coaches Program design LTAD youth training guidelines youth athletic training

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