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(373 found)

NSCA-CPT Exam Prerequisites

Become a certified personal trainer with the NSCA-Certified Personal Trainer® (NSCA-CPT®) certification. Candidates must be at least 18 years old and hold a high school diploma or an equivalent. Learn more about the prerequisites to sit for the NSCA-CPT® exam.

Earn NSCA CEUs through College Course Work


Continue to expand your knowledge and earn CEUs by passing post-certification college coursework.

NSCA Advocates to Raise the Certification Standards with NCAA


The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) Advocates to Raise the Certification Standards with the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA)

Recertification Audit


Every three years, we conduct an audit of NSCA certified individuals who have completed the recertification process. We require each randomly selected certificant to share documentation that shows proof of compliance with recertification requirements.

Strength and Conditioning Certification Dedicated to Tactical Communities Approved for Post 911 GI Bill


Colorado Springs, CO – Service members seeking a strength and conditioning certification to train their peers can now utilize the Post 911 GI Bill to obtain the only nationally-accredited certification dedicated to the challenges and demands specific to tactical communities.

Earn NSCA CEUs through First Aid


Get NSCA CEUs for obtaining or renewing a First Aid Certification.

NSCA Government Resources


Are you a member of the U.S. Armed Forces? Are you transitioning out of the military and looking for new career opportunities? Service Members are now eligible for reimbursement when they pursue the NSCA’s Tactical Strength and Conditioning Facilitator® (TSAC-F®) certification.

CSCS Prerequisites

To be eligible to take the CSCS® examination, candidates must fulfill certain criteria. Candidates must hold at least a bachelor's degree or currently be enrolled as a college senior at an accredited institution. Learn more about the prerequisites to sit for the CSCS® exam.

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