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(24 found)

Sleep Health in High Performance Populations—Considerations to Optimize Athletic Potential

May 6, 2022


This article aims to provide a good understanding of sleep health and the way it affects high performance populations.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Sleep High Performance Sleep Hygiene Sleep Measurement

A Personal Trainer’s Guide to the Aspiring Bodybuilder

March 8, 2024

Article Members Only

This article will discuss the balance between what an aspiring bodybuilder may expect from a personal trainer, what a personal trainer is able to provide, and how a personal trainer can be a valuable asset towards the aspiring bodybuilder’s development.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Nutrition Program design Body Building Protein Personal Trainer Physique Hormones

Working with the Menstrual Cycle in Female Athletes

December 17, 2021

Article Members Only

The goal of this article is to promote professional dialogue and broaden the knowledge of ways to use nutrition and recovery techniques to work with the physiological changes that come throughout the menstrual cycle.

Coaches Exercise Science Nutrition Menstruation Iron Deficiency Female Athlete Triad

Tactical Facilitators in Firefighting

January 1, 2015


Advice and guidance for firefighter-specific TSAC practitioners and trainers, including steps to building a health and wellness program for firefighters.

TSAC Facilitators Program design strength and conditioning for firefighters training firefighters tactical strength and conditioning

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