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(24 found)


June 1, 2017


The catecholamines—primarily epinephrine, but also norepinephrine and dopamine—are secreted by the adrenal medulla and are important for the acute expression of strength and power because the hormones act as central motor stimulators and peripheral vascular dilators to enhance enzyme systems and calcium release in muscle.

Coaches Exercise Science catecholamines hormonal adaptations kinetic select

Nutritional Interventions for Firefighters – What Diet is Best?

January 21, 2022

Article Members Only

The purpose of this article is to shed light on the most current work that has been done in examining various dietary approaches to improving markers of cardiometabolic health and performance among high-stress occupations, such as firefighters, as well as the need for additional work in this area.

TSAC Facilitators Nutrition Firefighters Nutrition Carbohydrates Cardiometabolic Health

Understanding Inter-Individual Responses to Exercise

December 11, 2020

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This article briefly describes how individuals can have the same training program, but have large fluctuations in the adaptation responses due to genetic and life style factors.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Adaptations Genetics Personal Trainer Biological Factors

Reexamining the Approach to Training for Sports by Investigating the Subdisciplines of Kinesiology

April 1, 2014

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This article argues that strength and conditioning coaches should investigate the subdisciplines of kinesiology as an approach to strength and conditioning for primarily anaerobic sports such as football and volleyball.

Coaches Exercise Science Organization and Administration strength and conditioning workouts kinesiology strength and conditioning sport training

Understanding and Managing Stress in Collegiate Athletics

June 1, 2016

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It is important for strength and conditioning coaches, sport coaches, athletic trainers, and administrators to recognize and address the evidence of stress within student-athletes in order to avoid chronic stress-related anxiety and injury.

Coaches Exercise Science NSCA Coach stress college athletes strength and conditioning

TSAC Report—Military Column—July 2024

November 29, 2024

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This article compares an equipment-heavy Army Combat Fitness Test to a minimal-equipment training program and test.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Program design Organization and Administration Testing and Evaluation Safety Professional Development

TSAC Report 40 Research Review

September 1, 2016

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This article is part of a continuing series that examines pertinent and recent tactical strength and conditioning research reviews.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design physical fitness for police officers Load carriage physical fitness for firefighters

Common Medications that Lifters Over 40 Take, and How they Affect Exercise and Nutrition

October 30, 2020


This article aims to offer guidance on the effects of certain medications, as well as help personal trainers and their clients in the consultation process with qualified physicians and pharmacists.

Personal trainers Nutrition Supplements Resistance Training Statins Beta Blockers ACE Inhibitors Blood Sugar Medications NSAIDS Acid Blockers

Intermittent Fasting – An Update on its Effects on Athletic Performance

April 1, 2016

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Athletes have sought out intermittent fasting as a strategy to optimize performance. However, it is important to critically evaluate the research available in order to establish specific recommendations and determine if intermittent fasting is safe or effective.

Coaches Nutrition strength and conditioning diet sport nutrition intermittent fasting

Bone Stress Response Injuries in Law Enforcement Recruits

March 12, 2021

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This article looks to explain why law enforcement recruits have higher incidences of lower extremity bone stress responses and stress fractures. It also explores injury mitigation pathways to increase the graduation rates among law enforcement academies.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Basic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or Disease Law Enforcement Bone Stress Recruits Injury Mitigation

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