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(3 found)

Dynamic Warm–Up Movement Assessment™ (DWMA)

July 1, 2016


Traditional movement screens are not always feasible when working with a multitude of athletes with time limitations. In this session from the NSCA’s 2016 Coaches Conference, Michael Bewley demonstrates how to implement the Dynamic Warm–Up Movement Assessment™, which is a succinct way to pinpoint movement deficiencies and apply correctives for an entire group at once.

Coaches Program design Testing and Evaluation Movement Screening Dynamic Warmup Athlete Assessment DWMA



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Positional Influences, Breathing and Performance: The Utilization of Postural Restoration for the Strength and Conditioning Specialist

February 2, 2015


Posture begins with proper rib cage position, which leads to better breathing and ultimately, better athletic performance. Jason Masek discusses the important role that postural restoration plays in strength and conditioning during the 2015 Coaches Conference.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design DWMA Dynamic Warm–Up Movement Assessment strength and conditioning Breathing and Performance Postural Restoration Posture
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