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Grant Committee: Student Member


The NSCA Foundation is seeking 1 individuals to serve on the Investment Committee for 3-year terms (2023-2026). The Investment Committee assists review the NSCA Foundation investments and work with the Board of Directors and Investment Manager to ensure appropriate stewardship of all funds. All work is done virtually and no in-person meetings are required.

NSCA Announces 2021 Tactical Professional of the Year


Colorado Springs, CO – The National Strength and Conditioning Association is proud to announce that Jay Dawes, PhD, CSCS,*D, NSCA-CPT,*D, TSAC-F,*D, FNSCA, has been selected as the NSCA’s Tactical Strength and Conditioning Professional of the Year for 2021. Award winners are selected by a volunteer committee, the NSCA’s Awards Taskforce, who determine the winner based on their contributions to the NSCA and their community, and whose influential contributions to the field result in its advancement in a measurable way that exceeds the outcomes achieved by others.

NSCA Named NYSS Champion


The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently recognized the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) as one of the first organizations to join the National Youth Sports Strategy (NYSS) Champion℠ program. HHS released the NYSS in September 2019 in response to Presidential Executive Order 13824, which called for a national strategy to increase youth sports participation. The NYSS is the first Federal roadmap with actionable strategies to increase participation in youth sports, increase awareness of the benefits of youth sports participation, monitor and evaluate youth sports participation, and recruit and engage volunteers in youth sports programming.

NSCA Announces New Sport Science Textbook


The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) announces today the release of the organization’s newest textbook, the NSCA’s Essentials of Sport Science. This cutting-edge publication brings together many of the world’s top experts from the sport science field to build a definitive resource for the profession.

NSCA Announces 2022 RSCCE


The NSCA is proud to name 30 new strength and conditioning coaches who have obtained the prestigious Registered Strength and Conditioning Coach® Emeritus (RSCC*E) designation in 2022, growing this exclusive group to a total of 213 coaches.

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