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(98 found)

A Call to Serve

November 28, 2015

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A Call to Serve

Coaches Professional Development strength and conditioning coach 2015-Coaches-Conference

How to Improve Your Sales Skills and Get More Clients without Compromising Your Values

June 1, 2017

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If you want to have control of your earning potential as a personal trainer, it is important to master the art of the sale. With the help of this sales process and closing system, you will be able to confidently close more sales and help more clients.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration Professional Development PTQ personal trainining sales

Creating a Strength and Conditioning Program for Your High School or College

May 1, 2015

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Webber International University’s Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, Stephen Rassel, presents a six-part Career Development Series on “Creating a Strength and Conditioning Program for Your High School or College.”

Coaches Organization and Administration Professional Development Brad Schoenfeld intensity training

What Makes a Good Coach?

February 28, 2015

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Coach Dave Forman speaks at the 2015 NSCA Coaches Conference on What Makes a Good Coach. In this first video of the series, Coach Forman discusses how he got started in his coaching career and learning experiences.

Coaches Professional Development Coaching Baseball Sean Marohn Career Conference 2015-Coaches-Conference

The Evolved Personal Trainer: Bridging the Gap Between Fitness

March 25, 2013


Phil Kaplan spoke at the NSCAs 2012 Personal Trainer Conference about how personal trainers can really be the link between fitness and medicine.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Organization and Administration Professional Development Personal Trainer Fitness Fitness Industry Medicine

2018 Strength and Conditioning Coaches Salary Survey

May 6, 2019


In this session from the NSCA’s 2019 Coaches Conference, prominent strength coaches explore what the 2018 coaching salary survey results tell us about the profession and how to move forward.

Coaches Professional Development Salary Coaches CSCS hs-coaching

UFC Career Connection Session

July 23, 2021


Bo Sandoval, Director of Strength and Conditioning for the Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) Performance Institute, shares his journey into strength and conditioning, future developments in the UFC program, and training principles around fighters.

Coaches Program design Professional Development UFC MMA Wrestling Boxing Injury Prevention Power Strength

Personal Training Business Clinic Bundle

May 30, 2017


This video bundle includes three videos from the NSCA’s 2017 Personal Training Business Clinic. The videos cover various aspects of marketing and growing a personal training business. CEUs available.

Personal trainers Program design Organization and Administration Professional Development Marketing Scope of practice Referrals Communication strategies Branding

The State of the Fitness Industry

October 29, 2016

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Josh Leve, Co-Founder and President of the Association of Fitness Studios, discusses the current trends in the fitness studio industry in this session from the 2016 NSCA Personal Trainers Conference. Also covered is why personalization is the key to success, and insights into what is working and what is not.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration Professional Development Fitness Industry Personal Trainers Fitness Business 2016-Personal-Trainers-Conference

Ben Davis High School Strength and Conditioning Program—Large School Program with Applications for Any Size School

June 27, 2015


One area that can have great impact on the success of a high school athletic department is the strength and conditioning program. This session from the 2015 NSCA National Conference provides insights from Coach Kevin Vanderbush’s personal experience as the strength and conditioning coach at Ben Davis High School for 31 years. This session covers the most important components of strength and conditioning at the high school level and provides both the rationale behind certain practices as well as practical tips.

Coaches Program design Safety Professional Development high school athletes high school sports programs LTAD long term athlete development High school athletics hs-coaching

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