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(103 found)

Training Clients during Pregnancy—Modifications and Considerations

May 13, 2019

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Personal trainers should be aware of the physiological changes during pregnancy for each trimester in order to provide appropriate exercise modifications and alternatives for their prenatal clients, to positively influence overall health.

Personal trainers Program design Client Consultation|Assessment Safety Basic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or Disease Pregnancy Training Pregnant Client Physiological Changes

Case Study: Certified Coach Gives Young Athletes Skills that are Bigger than Sports


Coach Jay Spearman’s mission is to have a positive, lifelong impact on his students.

The Interaction Between Metabolic Disorders and Personal Trainers

February 1, 2016

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With the current rise in overweight individuals, obesity, prediabetes, and diabetes, the role of qualified personal trainers is absolutely crucial for creating a more active and healthy society.

Personal trainers Nutrition personal training diabetes clients with diabetes personal training become a certified personal trainer become a personal trainer metabolic disorders

Navigating the Schedule of an NBA Season—Coaching Perspective

January 1, 2014


The variables of an NBA season constantly change, which requires strength and conditioning coaches to adjust accordingly. The success of a program is often influenced by the coach’s ability to combine strength and conditioning principles with common sense and the ability to adjust to the schedule.

Coaches Program design Organization and Administration strength and conditioning coach NSCA strength coach NBA travel strength and conditioning for basketball basketball conditioning training for basketball

Opportunities and Challenges in the Current Nutrition Landscape of Collegiate and Professional Football

April 15, 2019

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Nutrition plays a crucial role in athletic performance. The purpose of this article is to discuss the landscape of nutrition in collegiate and professional football. It will address the following areas: 1) the current landscape, 2) current practices, 3) opportunities, and 4) challenges faced in collegiate and professional football.

Coaches Nutrition Football Sports Performance Sports Nutrition Nutrition

Mindset and Nutrition – How Different Emotional States Affect the Way People Interact with and Make Food Choices

March 27, 2020

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The purpose of this article is to evaluate the leading mindset, behavioral, and psychological factors controlling food intake, as well as, educate professionals on how to assist with developing healthier nutrition practices.

Personal trainers Nutrition Stress Anxiety Depression Mindset Influence Nutrition

Effects and Implementation of Exercise during Pregnancy

April 16, 2021

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This article will briefly discuss physiological and psychological adaptations, as well as review general guidelines for beginning aerobic and resistance training exercise during pregnancy.

Personal trainers Program design Pregnancy Posture Pelvic Floor Musculature Abdominal Pressure

Intermittent Fasting – An Update on its Effects on Athletic Performance

April 1, 2016

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Athletes have sought out intermittent fasting as a strategy to optimize performance. However, it is important to critically evaluate the research available in order to establish specific recommendations and determine if intermittent fasting is safe or effective.

Coaches Nutrition strength and conditioning diet sport nutrition intermittent fasting

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Episode 106: Thadeus Jackson


Thadeus Jackson, Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Green Bay Packers National Football League (NFL) team, talks to the NSCA Coaching and Sport Science Program Manager, Eric McMahon, about the importance of a support system in your career. Topics under discussion include the dynamics of working with professional athletes and how strategic data collection can make your organization better. Find Thadeus on LinkedIn: Thadeus Jackson | Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs or Twitter: @ericmcmahoncscs

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