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(77 found)

Injury Prevention for Tactical Personnel – Compiling the Evidence and Lessons Learned

July 1, 2019


Musculoskeletal injuries are the primary source of disability in the United States military. With the integration of movement screens and the implementation of tactical strength and conditioning facilitators there can be success in reducing the amount of musculoskeletal injuries in the tactical populations.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Program design Organization and Administration Testing and Evaluation Reducing Injuries FMS TSAC TSAC-F Injury Prevention

Sleep Health in High Performance Populations—Considerations to Optimize Athletic Potential

May 6, 2022


This article aims to provide a good understanding of sleep health and the way it affects high performance populations.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Sleep High Performance Sleep Hygiene Sleep Measurement

Six Essentials to Safe Participation

May 1, 2017


Hydration, footwear, and exercise frequency are only a few of the essentials to safe participation in cardiovascular activity. Make sure to include all six essentials in your program to ensure safe participation.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Safety Hydration Warm-Up Cool-Down Breathing Exercise Frequency Clothing Footwear

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Episode 45: Ramsey Nijem


The Head Performance and Strength Coach for the Sacramento Kings National Basketball Association (NBA) team, Ramsey Nijem, talks to the National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, Scott Caulfield, about his recent experience completing a doctoral degree as well as his path to his current position.

Coaches Professional Development

Benefits of High-Intensity Interval Training for Athletic, General, and Clinical Populations

August 14, 2020

Article Members Only

The goal of this brief review is to describe what classifies as high-intensity interval training (HIIT) and summarize the potential benefits for various populations: athletic, general, and clinical.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Program design HIIT Maximal Aerobic Capacity Moderate-Intensity Continuous Training Tabata

Central Concepts Related to Periodization

May 1, 2017


The ability to manage the adaptive response, handle accumulated fatigue, and capitalize on the aftereffects established from training is central to the training process.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Central Concepts Related to Periodization Periodization strength training recovery training program design

Nicole Rodriguez | Building Strength Beyond Borders


Nicole Rodriguez always knew she wanted to pursue strength and conditioning, but the extent of her journey — spanning 44 countries and the Paris 2024 Olympic Games — is nothing short of inspiring. During her time at Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning, Rodriguez recognized the value of experience and environment, later joining the EXOS International Program to coach globally. Eager to test her skills and help standardize coaching education, she sought out developing countries to advance their sport infrastructure. Rodriguez outlines key differences between U.S. and European approaches: while the U.S. excels in strength methodology, Europe enhances sport-specific application through tactical periodization. Additionally, she highlights Europe’s emphasis on rehabilitation and an “inverse relationship” between time in the weight room versus pitch-side with sport coaches. Rodriguez also describes her work with Poland’s Ministry of Sport and Tourism to pursue NSCA Global Chapter status, aligning with her passion for improving strength and conditioning education and implementation worldwide. Connect with Nicole by email: nicole@coachnicolerodriguez.com and online at: coachnicolerodriguez.com | Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs and LinkedIn: @ericmcmahoncscs Learn more about NSCA international programs mentioned in the episode at NSCA.com/Global.

Coaches Professional Development

Upper Body Power in Mixed Martial Arts

March 17, 2023

Article Members Only

The purpose of this article is to justify the importance and advantage to properly incorporate upper body power (UBP) training in Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) athletes.

Coaches Program design Testing and Evaluation Mixed Martial Arts Upper Body Power Velocity Potentiation

Resistance Training for the Older Client – Should They Press, Squat, and Deadlift?

April 30, 2021

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This article discusses the importance of resistance training for older adults and considerations that personal trainers need to be aware of when working with this population.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Program design Client Consultation|Assessment Older Adult Resistance Training Activities of Daily Living Personal Trainer

TSAC Report – October 2020 Research Column

May 14, 2021

Article Members Only

This article is part of a continuing series of tactical strength and conditioning (TSAC) research reviews. It is designed to bring awareness to new research findings of relevance to tactical strength and conditioning communities.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Program design Testing and Evaluation VO2max Body Composition Structural Firefighters Police Officers Load Carriage

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