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(377 found)

Injury Prevention in Youth Athletes: A Summary in 9 Key Points

May 1, 2017


Single-sport specialized training has led to an emerging risk of overuse injury and burnout. Here are nine things coaches and parents can do to minimize the risk of injury in youth athletes.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Safety youth training sport specialization injury prevention burnout youth training guidelines infographics

Assessing Power in Youth Populations

December 31, 2018


The administration and measurement of youth power development has become more available and familiar with the advances of technology. This excerpt introduces varieties of testing and administration practices to assess power in the youth population.

Personal trainers Coaches Program design Testing and Evaluation Power Developing Power Youth Training LTAD hs-coaching

Value of Omega-3s for Youth Athletes

May 1, 2015


Dr. Lonnie Lowery spoke at the NSCA's 2012 National Conference about the value of incorporating omega-3 fatty acids into the nutrition of youth athletes.

Coaches periodization training strength training athlete training program resistance training Athlete power development

Using LTAD to Program for a Middle School Athlete and a High School Athlete: Part 2 – Creating a Developmentally-Appropriate Strength and Conditioning Program

January 28, 2019


This second article of a two-part series continues the discussion of long-term athletic development (LTAD). This article provides practical application of the LTAD principles by examining two sample programs.

Coaches Nutrition Program design Organization and Administration LTAD Long Term Athletic Development Youth Training Youth Sports Program Design Peak Height Velocity hs-coaching

Integrating Plyometric Training for High School Soccer Athletes – Part 2

June 4, 2021

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In the second of this two part series, this article will discuss program design with an emphasis on integrating lower limb plyometric training into soccer training to enhance power actions, as well as, consider high school athletes’ biological characteristics and long-term athletic development (LTAD).

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design High School LTAD Plyometrics Maturation Power Soccer hs-coaching

Youth Resistance Training

August 24, 2018


The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) recognizes and supports the premise that many of the benefits associated with adult resistance training programs are attainable by children and adolescents who follow age-specific resistance training guidelines.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Youth Resistance Training infographics Youth Programming

Introducing Non-Traditional Sports for U.S. Youth Strength and Conditioning Development

September 24, 2021

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The purpose of this article is to make the case for implementing non-traditional sports into training programs that prepare youth for participation in traditional American sports and bridge the gap between pedagogy of physical education and strength and conditioning youth coaching.

Coaches Program design Pedagogy Gaelic Football Youth Education hs-coaching

High School Coaches’ Resources


High school coaching is a rapidly-growing area of strength and conditioning, and can be an exciting career choice for strength and conditioning professionals who want to have a lifelong positive impact on young people.

Implications for Training in Youth: Is Specialization Benefiting Kids?

May 1, 2017


Early sports specialization has been a controversial topic in the field of sports medicine, training, and conditioning. Recent studies report increased sports-related injuries in single-sport specialized athletes compared with multisport specialized athletes.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Program design Sports specialization youth training youth strength training infographics

Eccentric and Balance Training to Enhance Pistol Shooting Performance in the Young Athlete

November 19, 2018

Article Members Only

The Scholastic Action Shooting Program (SASP) is a speed shooting competition designed for school-aged youth. The key to training a successful SASP competitor is to not overlook the often forgotten balance and eccentric training exercises that target key muscle groups involved in the competition. An implementation of balance and eccentric training is suggested to aid the performance of young shooters in competition.

TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Eccentric Training Balance Training Youth athlete Training for shooting Youth Training hs-coaching

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