Eleiko becomes an Official Sponsor and Performance Center Supplier and Announces the Eleiko Equipment Grant for Inner City School’s Weightlifting Clubs
NSCA has a network of volunteer leaders who direct NSCA’s efforts at the state and provincial level. NSCA’s Great Lakes Regional Coordinator provides oversight and training to local state and provincial directors. Members in the Great Lakes Region can connect at local and regional events as well as on Facebook to others in this area.
This article articulates important independent personal trainer and employee personal trainer differences, research and planning guidelines moving forward, important marketing considerations, financial literacy, and the importance of moral support.
Personal trainersProfessional DevelopmentPersonal TrainerManagingBusinessMarketingPersonal Training Career
When choosing whether to purchase new technological advances, strength and conditioning coaches should consider price, practicality, and credibility in order to maximize the training of their athletes.
CoachesOrganization and Administrationfitness trackersfitness monitorsfitness smartwatchwearable techfitness appsFitness equipmenths-coaching
Colorado Springs, CO – As it celebrates its 10th anniversary, the National Strength and Conditioning Association Foundation (NSCAF) is proud to announce several new grants and scholarship that will be available to NSCA members for the 2017-2018 grant and scholarship cycles.
While social media can serve as an efficient business tool, it can also complicate the legal rights of the entrepreneurs who use them. This article focuses on three specific—and perhaps surprising—ways in which social media can alter the employment rights of fitness professionals and the gyms they work for.
Personal trainersLegal IssuesProfessional DevelopmentNSCA-CPTpersonal trainingemploymentSocial media
In this career series article, developing personal training skills to train special populations is discussed; it includes starting out as a novice through the expert level.
Personal trainersExercise ScienceProfessional DevelopmentCareerConferenceSpecial PopulationsCSPSPersonal Traininghealthcare
By examining a practical approach to programming fundamentals based on a needs analysis and training objectives relative to the program, a foundational plan can be laid that may lead not only to the appropriate progression of a given officer but also to the mutual satisfaction of the trainer and trainee alike.