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(124 found)

From Successful Trainer to Gym Owner—9 Steps to Open Your First Facility: Part 2

August 24, 2018

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Before opening a facility, fitness professionals should perform the proper due diligence of researching and obtaining all the required documents to legally operate in a given municipality, learn the different types of commercial property, and build an equipment list that is in alignment with their business model.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration Professional Development Personal Training Business Owning Your Own Gym Fitness Business Fitness Professionals

Suggested Strategies for Developing and Retaining Fire Fitness Trainers

April 1, 2016

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This article provides a list of items that affect the ability to develop and retain quality fire fitness trainers and provides possible solutions to common challenges for program managers that make decisions for a facility or agency.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design firefighter workout programs workouts for firefighters firefighter workout Training for firefighters TSAC

Developing an Educational Culture

April 1, 2016

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Personal trainers and strength and conditioning coaches around the world are the frontline and display of any fitness facility. Common issues, such as sales techniques and member interaction/experience, can be qualities that are developed over time through employee education.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration fitness center nsca-cpt personal training

From Successful Trainer to Gym Owner—9 Steps to Open Your First Facility: Part 1

June 1, 2017

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Just as any decent coach would not have a client perform a heavy deadlift without first conducting a fitness or movement assessment, a potential facility owner should not move forward without assessing the state of their current business. This article explains three steps for conducting an assessment.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration Professional Development PTQ fitness facility business assessment conducting an audit personal training

From Successful Trainer to Gym Owner—9 Steps to Open Your First Facility: Part 3

October 29, 2018

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In the final stage of the gym opening process everything starts to feel very real. Once a location has been chosen, the next steps are to negotiate and sign a lease, create an opening timeline, and plan the grand opening event for the facility.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration Professional Development Personal Training Facility Business Development Gym Owner Steps to Owning Gym

Stop Hiring Personal Trainers and Start Building Them—Developing an Internship Program at a Fitness Facility

July 1, 2015

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Finding a well-educated and open-minded employee is, in most cases, simply luck of the draw. Instead of hoping for the perfect new hire to come walking through the door, a business owner could try a different technique in which they shed their business owner mindset and transition into a mentorship role. Using an internship program, the mentor can ideally build themselves the near-perfect employee.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration Professional Development mentoring personal training internship personal training business internship

Understanding Risk Management as a Fitness Professional

June 1, 2017


There's risk in every business, but fitness professionals can often face higher risk than most. While personal trainer insurance can offer solid protection, fitness professionals can best protect themselves by understanding the fundamentals of risk management as they apply within the realm of sports and fitness. In this article, global insurance firm Integro Entertainment & Sports offers tips on how to best protect yourself and your business, defines common insurance terms, and provides an overview to understanding insurance conditions.

Coaches Exercise Science Professional liability insurance CPI personal training insurance insurance risk management Entertainment and Sports Insurance eXperts ESIX personal trainer insurance

Opening Your Own Training Facility

July 28, 2014

Video Members Only

The NSCA provides career-focused benefit videos designed to help members gain expert insight, knowledge and tips to help further their careers.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Organization and Administration Professional Development opening your own facility fitness industry fitness business Strength and Conditioning Training Facility Clients Athletes

How to Promote and Sell Multiple Personal Training Options with Layered Pricing

October 1, 2015

Article Members Only

One the fastest growing trends in the fitness industry over recent years has been the increase of personal training studios. Learn how to identify the varied services that can be offered at the personal training studio, and how to promote and sell in a layered pricing format.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration NSCA-CPT marketing for personal trainers business of personal training personal training

Choosing the Right Certification


The steps on this page will help you select the right certification that fits your career goals.

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