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(147 found)

Developing the Knowledge Base for the Certified Personal Trainer

January 1, 2015

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With each experience of training a new client comes an opportunity to research, consult, and learn something new. The career-driven personal trainer will learn from their mistakes, build on their successes, and utilize their knowledge base with each new client they encounter.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration Professional Development personal trainer certification building a personal training business how to become a personal trainer Personal training

Considerations for Reporting Resistance Training Program Design

August 1, 2013

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Strength and conditioning coaches can help bridge the gap between research and anecdotal experiences by reporting subjective and objective information obtained while carrying out everyday responsibilities.

Coaches Program design Training program design coaching technique

Back to Basics: 3 Steps of the Initial Consultation

August 24, 2018

Article Members Only

Developing a truly successful program involves several layers that the personal trainer must address with time, competence, and critical thinking. A thorough and complete initial consultation can ensure that the personal trainer has all the data that they need to design a program that is time-efficient and successful.

Personal trainers Program design Organization and Administration Client Consultation|Assessment Personal Trainer Client Consultation Training Programs

Back to Basics: 3 Steps of the Initial Consultation

June 1, 2017


Developing a truly successful program involves several layers that the personal trainer must address with time, competence, and critical thinking. A thorough and complete initial consultation can ensure that the personal trainer has all the data that they need to design a program that is time-efficient and successful.

Coaches Exercise Science PTQ initial consultation

Shift-Based Program Scheduling for Firefighters

April 1, 2016


There is no argument that periodization is successful, and that different models can be applied with success in different fashions. The question of how shift work really affects a periodized program—more specifically firefighter shift work—is less clear.

TSAC Facilitators Program design shift work periodization fitness for firefighters tactical strength and conditioning firefighters TSAC

Survival Swimming Performance Enhancement Workshop – Mental Skills and Virtual Reality to Manage Acrophobia

January 26, 2020

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This article will highlight an intervention involving mental skills training and virtual reality (VR) to address acrophobia with this population.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Basic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or Disease Mental Skills Training Virtual Reality Acrophobia Diaphragmatic Breathing

Practical Methods for the Strength and Conditioning Coach to Develop Student-Athlete Leadership—Part I

June 1, 2017


In the intercollegiate athletic setting, the strength and conditioning coach can play a role in the development of student-athlete leadership. For the strength and conditioning coach to be a positive contributor to this effort, he or she must have a clear understanding of their role, the role of the sport coach, and the interaction and relationship between the two.

Coaches Organization and Administration Professional Development NSCA Coach Student-athlete leadership strength and conditioning

Teaching and Motivating Youth Athletes—A Personal Perspective

July 1, 2014


Strength and conditioning coaches should strive to teach athletes in a way they can understand: by hearing, seeing, and practicing. This article describes some techniques that a coach can use to accomplish this.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design youth athletic training youth athletes motivational tools Youth training guidelines how to motivate children hs-coaching

The ABCs of Long-Term Athletic Development

March 6, 2018


For emerging athletes to move properly and develop athletic skills, they must first develop proficiency in fundamental motor skills. The ABCs of athleticism, therefore, must reflect the development of fundamental motor skills first, and specific athletic skills second.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Technique Program design LTAD motor skills development long-term athletic development hs-coaching

How to Establish Trust with Your Clientele and Achieving Long-Term Success

March 4, 2020

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The purpose of this article is to provide a practical, step-by-step process on how to establish trust with your clientele that is valuable in achieving long-term success in this industry.

Personal trainers Professional Development Referral System Clients Buy-In First Impressions

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