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Sport Performance and Heart Rate

July 10, 2020


This article reviews the use of heart rate as a way to program cardiovascular exercise.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science Testing and Evaluation Heart Rate Range Karvonen Method Cardiovascular Exercise

Sprinting in Field and Court Sports

May 1, 2017


Athletes in field and court sports require reactive agility—they must accelerate, decelerate, and change direction in a constantly changing environment. These requirements result in technical differences between sprinting in a field or court sport and sprinting the 100-m.

Coaches Exercise Technique speed development sprinting sprinting for soccer sprinting intervals sprinting for basketball

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Season 6 Episode 13: Marcus Svensson


Hear an international perspective on the strength and conditioning field from Marcus Svensson, a Swedish National, who currently works in professional soccer with the Al Arabi Sports Club in the Qatar Stars League. This episode shares insights about access to NSCA resources from outside of North America, training strategies for soccer, and the importance of developing adaptability among strength and conditioning coaches. Tune in to expand your professional horizons as part of a global strength and conditioning community. You can also email Marcus at johanmarcussvensson@gmail.com | Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs or Twitter: @ericmcmahoncscs

Coaches Professional Development

Sprinting Mechanics and Technique

December 10, 2018


This book excerpt is an overview of the fundamentals to sprinting mechanics and technique. It also covers starting, acceleration, drive phase, recovery phase, and deceleration.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Sprinting Sprinting Mechanics Sprinting Performance Acceleration

Transfer of Training for Agility

Traditional lower-body resistance exercise alone may not be an optimal means of developing agility. Further, the effectiveness of straight-sprint training on agility performance has not been well established. In contrast, jump training, including loaded jump squats and horizontal and lateral jumps, holds promise.

Coaches Program design Training for Agility Agility Lifting for Agility Program Design

Nicole Rodriguez | Building Strength Beyond Borders


Nicole Rodriguez always knew she wanted to pursue strength and conditioning, but the extent of her journey — spanning 44 countries and the Paris 2024 Olympic Games — is nothing short of inspiring. During her time at Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning, Rodriguez recognized the value of experience and environment, later joining the EXOS International Program to coach globally. Eager to test her skills and help standardize coaching education, she sought out developing countries to advance their sport infrastructure. Rodriguez outlines key differences between U.S. and European approaches: while the U.S. excels in strength methodology, Europe enhances sport-specific application through tactical periodization. Additionally, she highlights Europe’s emphasis on rehabilitation and an “inverse relationship” between time in the weight room versus pitch-side with sport coaches. Rodriguez also describes her work with Poland’s Ministry of Sport and Tourism to pursue NSCA Global Chapter status, aligning with her passion for improving strength and conditioning education and implementation worldwide. Connect with Nicole by email: nicole@coachnicolerodriguez.com and online at: coachnicolerodriguez.com | Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs and LinkedIn: @ericmcmahoncscs Learn more about NSCA international programs mentioned in the episode at NSCA.com/Global.

Coaches Professional Development

Examining the Connection between Training the Core and Performance

November 26, 2021

Article Members Only

This article examines how training the core and performance are connected. This article seeks to help propose how to best use the literature to maximize understanding and use of the current concepts.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Core Strength Core Stability Star Excursion Balance Test

Case Study: The Significant Change Quietly Taking Place in High School Athletics


Strength and Conditioning Coaches who are NSCA-Certified are preparing youth for training, using proven strategies that improve their safety and competitiveness.

Developing Athleticism is the C.O.R.E. of Positive Youth Development

December 1, 2012


This article breaks down youth training. To develop athleticism for youth, coaches should follow the C.O.R.E. principles: context in which to apply movement patterns, opportunities to develop proper movement, recognition of physical attributes required, and environments in which youth explore movement.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design teaching athleticism youth athleticism youth training youth athletic development

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