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Navigating the Challenges of CASCE Accreditation

Answers to 7 common questions about CASCE accreditation and resources to clarify and streamline the process.



Achieve the highest standards in strength and conditioning education with programmatic accreditation through the Council on Accreditation of Strength and Conditioning Education (CASCE). , Our standards and assessment of degree programs helps establish a workforce equipped with the professional knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to meet industry standards and be successful in the strength and conditioning industry.

Physical Abilities Testing Validation for Public Safety

April 1, 2014

Article Members Only

Those who are in key decision-making positions should understand the importance of proper research, validation, and implementation procedures when developing physical fitness standards.

TSAC Facilitators Testing and Evaluation Safety physical fitness testing testing for job applicants Physical fitness standards

History of CASCE


The history of how CASCE was formed.

NSCA Codes, Policies, and Procedures


The NSCA Board of Directors approved the adoption of the NSCA CODES, POLICIES, and PROCEDURES by resolution #2017-10-27-01. This document replaces all previous versions of NSCA Code of Ethics, Code of Conduct, Disciplinary Procedures, and Conflict of Interest Policies.

Athlete Safety


The top concern of strength coaches should always be athlete safety. For this reason, the NSCA has compiled a list of resources to raise the standard of care when working as a strength coach at any level. By reading and sharing these examples of standards and guidelines, policies and procedures, position statements on vital topics, mental health best practices, and more, strength coaches can push to increase the safety of athletes around the world.

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