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Article TSAC Facilitators

(332 found)

Third-Party Review of Supplements

November 19, 2021


This excerpt from NSCA's Essentials of Tactical Strength and Conditioning explains the importance of third-party certifications on supplements in the tactical population.

TSAC Facilitators Nutrition Third-Party Certified Supplements Drug Test Tactical

Resistance Band Training

October 29, 2021


This excerpt from Strength Training, Second Edition provides insight into how resistance bands and cords can be used for a variety of training methods.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Program design Resistance Bands Recoil Rehabilitation Strength Power

Nutrient Needs during Deployment and Shift Work

August 20, 2021


This excerpt explains the importance of optimal nutritional strategies in conjunction with good sleep hygiene and how that can help mitigate damaging effects of deployment and shift work on performance.

TSAC Facilitators Nutrition Nutrition Deployment Shift Work Sleep Hygiene

Quantifying Training and Competition Load

August 6, 2021


This excerpt from NSCA’s Essentials of Sport Science highlights the importance of quantifying training load for both programming and monitoring an athlete’s progression or regression over time.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Program design Training Load Player Load RPE GPS


July 2, 2021


This excerpt briefly describes key aspects of this nonessential amino acid including its effect on the body, efficacy, and adverse effects.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Nutrition β-Alanine Supplements Nonessential Amino Acid

Strongman Training

April 2, 2021


This excerpt from the Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning, 4th Edition gives a quick glimpse into some of the implements used in strongman training.

TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Technique Program design

Zercher Squat: Field Alternative for Front Squat

March 19, 2021


This exercise technique excerpt demonstrates the Zercher squat as a possible alternative and more field-specific squat for tactical athletes.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Zercher Squat Exercise Technique Front Squat


January 8, 2021


This excerpt will briefly discuss the importance of exercise, dosage of the supplement, efficacy, body mass changes, and adverse effects of creatine.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Nutrition Creatine Supplements Body Mass Creatine Phosphate Energy

Include Closed-Chain and Open-Chained Core Exercises

December 26, 2020


This excerpt from Developing the Core briefly defines closed- and open-chain exercises and their respective roles in training.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science Program design Closed-chain Exercise Open-chain Exercise Trunk Core Musculature

Sequencing and Integrating Training

December 4, 2020


This article breaks down periodization into sequencing and integrating training factors to optimize training outcomes.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Mesocycles Periodization Neuromuscular Adaptations Block

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