This excerpt from NSCA's Guide to Tests and Assessments briefly discusses the method behind a lactate threshold test and the pretest considerations one might take prior to this test.
Personal trainersTSAC FacilitatorsCoachesTesting and EvaluationLactate ThresholdEnergy SystemsBlood LactateATP
This excerpt from the book Exercise Technique Manual for Resistance Training, 3rd Edition, discusses the proper technique for the glute ham raise exercise.
Personal trainersTSAC FacilitatorsCoachesExercise TechniqueGlute Ham RaiseExercise Technique
When considering applying advanced methods to affect and augment maximal power output, this excerpt from Developing Power explains three key points to consider.
Personal trainersTSAC FacilitatorsCoachesExercise TechniqueProgram designRate of Force DevelopmentMaximal Power OutputForce-Velocity RelationshipMuscular Power
This excerpt from Developing the Core discusses two testing methods that may predict a strong or weak core based on how well the participant completes the task.
Personal trainersTSAC FacilitatorsCoachesTesting and EvaluationCoreSEBTSingle-Leg Squat Test