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(13 found)

Keeping Clients for Life—Three Long-Term Retention Strategies that Work

April 1, 2019

Article Members Only

David Crump describes strategies on client retention and how to make memorable experiences for your client as a personal trainer.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration Testing and Evaluation Client Consultation|Assessment Professional Development Clients Personal Training Client Retention client Strategies

The Future of Personal Training: Where is the Industry Headed?

Members Only

Brandi Binkley speaks at the 2014 National Conference on The Future of Personal Training. In this first video of the series, Brandi touches on the personal trainer market, stability/longevity, helping trainers find their niche, and client retention.

Personal trainers Professional Development Personal Training Business Management Client Retention Fitness Industry

Attenuating Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness in Untrained Individuals

January 1, 2014

Article Members Only

The purpose of this article is to compare and contrast popular methods used to reduce muscle soreness. The article looks at caffeine, cold water therapy, BCAAs and aerobic exercise and briefly examines their efficacy in treating DOMS.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design Basic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or Disease caffeine to treat muscle soreness BCAAs to treat muscle soreness BCAAs to treat DOMS caffeine to treat DOMS how to treat DOMS cold water therapy cryotherapy DOMS muscle soreness

Simplicity is Key—Strategies for Improving your Coaching and Communication

September 17, 2018

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Establishing a relationship and communicating with your clients in simplified terms that they can understand is a critical aspect of the training process. If you are not taking the time to do this, start now, and it will make the whole experience better for everyone involved.

Personal trainers Program design Client Consultation|Assessment Communication Personal Trainer Client Interaction Coaching Cues

Developing an Educational Culture

April 1, 2016

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Personal trainers and strength and conditioning coaches around the world are the frontline and display of any fitness facility. Common issues, such as sales techniques and member interaction/experience, can be qualities that are developed over time through employee education.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration fitness center nsca-cpt personal training

From Successful Trainer to Gym Owner—9 Steps to Open Your First Facility: Part 1

June 1, 2017

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Just as any decent coach would not have a client perform a heavy deadlift without first conducting a fitness or movement assessment, a potential facility owner should not move forward without assessing the state of their current business. This article explains three steps for conducting an assessment.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration Professional Development PTQ fitness facility business assessment conducting an audit personal training

The Future of Personal Training: Where is the Industry Headed?

In this article, renowned fitness expert Brandi Binkley provides an overview of the personal training industry; including where it was, where it is, and where it is going.

Personal trainers Professional Development Personal Training Personal Trainer Certification personal training online

Suggested Strategies for Developing and Retaining Fire Fitness Trainers

April 1, 2016

Article Members Only

This article provides a list of items that affect the ability to develop and retain quality fire fitness trainers and provides possible solutions to common challenges for program managers that make decisions for a facility or agency.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design firefighter workout programs workouts for firefighters firefighter workout Training for firefighters TSAC

Meeting Your Clients Where They Are – How to Nest Your Goals with Theirs

This article will provide some conditions and standards with specific tools personal trainers may consider using in their initial interview with potential clients.

Personal trainers Client Consultation|Assessment Professional Development Clients Accountability Goals Personal Trainers Progress

Fall Prevention Program Recommendations for an Aging Population

August 5, 2022


This article will discuss the role of strength training, stretching, and functional mobility exercises in reducing falls in older adults and provide a guide for creating a program.

Personal trainers Program design Older Adult Fall Prevention Balance Flexibility

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