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(102 found)

The Deadlift and Its Application to Overall Performance

April 1, 2014


This article provides a few key tips on how to perform the deadlift more efficiently and safely. Some helpful coaching cues—such as keeping the head slightly up, activating the lats, and pushing the knees out—can assist a tactical athlete in executing the deadlift while increasing strength over time.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design tactical strength and conditioning TSAC-F coaching cues how to deadlift deadlift

Using Feedback Drills to Coach the Turkish Get-Up

July 8, 2019


This article is an overview of the Turkish get-up movement, as well as cues and drills to help in this movement.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Turkish Get-Up Movement Multi-Joint Movement Cues Drills

Introduction to Sport Psychology

June 1, 2017 - June 1, 2017


Similarities and overlaps exist between the realm of sport psychology and the profession of strength and conditioning coaching. This article provides a basic introduction to sport psychology and provides some guidance for preliminary directions; ideally, it will help strength and conditioning coaches find effective people and resources to help them in their coaching pursuits.

Coaches Exercise Science NSCA Coach Introduction to Sport Psychology Sport Psychology mental training strength and conditioning

Eleiko Partners With NSCA on Equipment Grant


Chicago, IL - Eleiko, the world leader in professional equipment for strength and conditioning, weightlifting, and powerlifting, is pleased to announce we are strengthening our relationship with The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) by becoming an official sponsor and performance center supplier and through the development of The Eleiko Equipment Grant through the National Strength and Conditioning Association Foundation (NSCAF) to supply youth weightlifting clubs with Eleiko equipment.

Eleiko Official Supplier

Eleiko becomes an Official Sponsor and Performance Center Supplier and Announces the Eleiko Equipment Grant for Inner City School’s Weightlifting Clubs

A Coach and Trainer’s Challenge – Individual Variables in Health, Fitness, and Nutrition

March 11, 2019


There are many factors, both personal and environmental, that play a role in the success of a training and diet program for an individual client. This article looks at the factors to be aware of and some solutions to finding the best fit program for an individual client.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Nutrition Program design Client Consultation|Assessment Health Fitness Nutrition Client Success

From Successful Trainer to Gym Owner—9 Steps to Open Your First Facility: Part 1

June 1, 2017

Article Members Only

Just as any decent coach would not have a client perform a heavy deadlift without first conducting a fitness or movement assessment, a potential facility owner should not move forward without assessing the state of their current business. This article explains three steps for conducting an assessment.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration Professional Development PTQ fitness facility business assessment conducting an audit personal training

Developing an Educational Culture

April 1, 2016

Article Members Only

Personal trainers and strength and conditioning coaches around the world are the frontline and display of any fitness facility. Common issues, such as sales techniques and member interaction/experience, can be qualities that are developed over time through employee education.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration fitness center nsca-cpt personal training

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