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(238 found)

Bridge: Breathing is a Fundamental Mobility Pattern, with Dana Santas

September 17, 2018


Dana Santas demonstrates how to improve mobility and performance by reestablishing positive breathing patterns.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design Breathing Mobility Functional Movement Fundamental Mobility Dana Santas

Effects and Implementation of Exercise during Pregnancy

April 16, 2021

Article Members Only

This article will briefly discuss physiological and psychological adaptations, as well as review general guidelines for beginning aerobic and resistance training exercise during pregnancy.

Personal trainers Program design Pregnancy Posture Pelvic Floor Musculature Abdominal Pressure

Supplemental Land Training Considerations for the Recreational Surfer

July 22, 2022

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This article outlines some programming considerations for the recreational surfer.

Personal trainers Program design Surfing Programming Mobility Core Paddling

Foundations of Coaching Lifts


Designed by the best and brightest in the industry, the Foundation of Coaching Lift Course is centered on how to effectively coach athletes how to perform using the core/compound lifts as a basis for teaching all lifts and the auxiliary lifts. You’ll learn fundamental progressions/regressions, coaching cues, and gain world class insight that will assuredly be put to optimal use in the field.

The Promotion of Exercise for Multiple Sclerosis

October 31, 2019


With almost one million people in the United States living with multiple sclerosis, this article aims to provide personal trainers with ideas for exercises to meet the needs of these individuals.

Personal trainers Program design Basic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or Disease Multiple Sclerosis Hydrotherapy Exercises Land-Based Exercises

Introduction to Dynamic Warm-Up

June 1, 2017


Interest is growing in warm-up procedures that involve dynamic activities and sport-specific movements that maximize active ranges of motion at different movement-specific speeds while preparing the body for the demands of sport training and competition.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique warm-up dynamic warm-up strength and conditioning

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Episode 5: J. Aggabao


J. Aggabao, former Assistant Strength Coach for the Los Angeles Rams of the National Football League (NFL), talks to the NSCA Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, Scott Caulfield, about coaching in the NFL. Topics under discussion include getting a foot in the door in the NFL, what happens when your head coach gets let go, and misconceptions about being an NFL strength coach.

Coaches Professional Development

How to Modify the Back Squat for Lower Back Pain

December 2, 2022

Article Members Only

This article seeks to provide personal trainers with eight brief modifications that clients can benefit from if they suffer from both acute and chronic lower back pain (LBP).

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design Low Back Pain Conventional Back Squat Machine Bracing Core Stability

Tactical Fitness Research 2018

May 13, 2019


Guy Leahy writes a review of the research relating to the tactical population from presentations and research from the 65th Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM).

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Tactical Athlete Research

Low Back Pain—The Mobility-Stability Continuum

August 13, 2018


Nearly all fitness professionals are forced to address low back pain (LBP) to some extent, regardless of the age or population with which they work. The purpose of this article is to shed light on contemporary research surrounding LBP.

Personal trainers Program design Mobility Lower Back Pain Mobility for Lower Back Stability Stability for Lower Back

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