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(3 found)

Stability and Weightlifting: Training Stability—Part 3

July 1, 2016

Article Members Only

This article is the third installment of a four-part series on stabilization in weight training. It covers how to train trunk stability and how to decrease the dominance of the extension/compression stabilizing strategy (ECSS) that is often perpetuated during training.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design weight training stabilization ECSS Extension Compression Stabilizing Strategy

Compensatory Stabilization—The Extension/Compression Stabilizing Strategy—Part 2

April 1, 2016

Article Members Only

Strength and conditioning coaches that temper their posterior chain exercises with some threshold training and specific trunk exercises designed to break the extension/compression stabilization strategy (ECSS) to restore proper stabilizing strategies may find their athletes will move better, get injured less, and actually perform better.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design stabilization ECSS stabilization strategy extension/compression

Stability and the Squat: Front-Loaded versus Back-Loaded Squatting—Part 4

June 1, 2017


Squatting may be commonplace in the weight room, but proper execution of this great exercise is difficult. Strength and conditioning coaches will need to properly select exercises and cue their athletes in a way that not only allows for a proper stabilizing strategy to occur, but promotes it.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique NSCA Coach squat front squat back squat
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