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(243 found)

Incorporating Training Load Monitoring into Fitness Programming: A Review of Practical Tools for Fitness Providers

October 8, 2018

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In recent years, performance and prevention strategies have grown to include monitoring training load (TL) to understand fatigue and the potential effects of fatigue on training adaptation and performance.

Personal trainers Testing and Evaluation Client Consultation|Assessment Training Load Monitoring Heart Rate Monitoring HRV

Myofascial Release (MR): Massage and Foam Rolling

February 29, 2020


This excerpt briefly explains myofascial release, self-myofascial release strategies, and benefits of these techniques.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science Program design Myofascial Release Soft Tissue Foam Roller Range of Motion Fibrous Adhesions

Injury Prevention and Proper Movement—Anecdotal Evidence to Help Tactical Athletes Perform at their Best

January 1, 2014

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Chronic fatigue, stress, sleep deprivation, unhealthy diets, and pain can be commonplace in most departments. The tactical facilitator should try to keep their action plans simple and achievable to help prevent injuries and optimize performance.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Program design Safety training for tactical athletes TSAC tactical strength and conditioning

Resistance Exercise Considerations for Load Carriage

May 8, 2020


This article addresses three main areas of resistance exercise that best prepares tactical personnel for load carriage.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Load Carriage Tactical Professional Fatigue Resistance Dynamic Trunk Stability Injury Prevention

Integration of Endurance Resistance Training

May 1, 2017


When integrating resistance training, endurance athletes must ensure that the sessions or workouts are sequenced in the context of the overall workload. Giving careful thought to these factors when designing the training plan will increase the chances of success.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design endurance training strength training weight training

TSAC Research Review, Issue 39

April 1, 2016

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This article is the fourth of a continuing series that examines pertinent and recent tactical strength and conditioning research reviews.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Technique Program design fatigue firefighter fitness TSAC wellness for firefighters wellness programs Soldier load carriage

Branched-Chain Amino Acids

December 17, 2021


This excerpt from NSCA’s Guide to Sport and Exercise Nutrition explains branched-chain amino acids

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Nutrition BCAAs Albumin Protein Protein Synthesis Free Fatty Acids

Measurement and Evaluation in a Microdosed Training Program

January 6, 2023

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This article seeks to provide insight on a training method based around prescribing small amounts of training to achieve a large amount of physical improvements.

Coaches Program design Testing and Evaluation Needs Analysis Testing Basketball

SCJ 46.6 Practical Application of Respiratory Muscle Training in Endurance Sports

Quiz CATD 0.2

Since traditional sport-specific training or exercise programs do not create enough stimulus to improve the function of the respiratory muscles, the rationale to introduce respiratory muscle training (RMT) emerged. RMT is associated with improved endurance performance and pulmonary function, and it reduced respiratory fatigue, perceived exertion, or breathlessness. The purpose of this article is to provide coaches with tools to select the appropriate form of RMT in the context of the athletes’ needs, using appropriate methods, techniques, devices, and testing protocols. The video abstract is presented in Supplemental Digital Content as SDC 1

TSAC Report - First Responder Column

July 26, 2024

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This column reviews recent literature that investigated the appropriateness of a commonly utilized on-duty exercise training modality for firefighters and describes the occupational demands of specialist tactical police officers.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Program design Firefighter Special Tactical Police Officer High-Intensity Resistance Training Heart Rate

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