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(68 found)

Agility and Coordination Training in a Pediatric Athletic Population

June 3, 2019

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A fundamental training program at a young age gives the athlete the opportunity to develop many skills needed to succeed. The implementation of agility and coordination training can help reduce the risk of injury and elevate a young developing athlete.

Coaches Program design Youth Training Agility and Coordination Training HS-Coaching Youth Athlete

Stress Inoculation Training in Tactical Strength and Conditioning

April 1, 2013


Tactical jobs are fast-paced, physically and psychologically intense, and failure can have tragic consequences, making it vital to train tactical athletes to perform better under stress.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Program design Safety performing under pressure stress management techniques how to deal with stress stress management stress relief How to handle stress

Progressive Strategies for Teaching Fundamental Resistance Training Movement Patterns

August 4, 2023


This article provides the personal trainer with sample exercise progressions for teaching resistance training movement patterns along with practical strategies for instruction and reinforcement of proper technique.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design Fundamentals Squat Hinge Movement Patterns Resistance Training

Personal Training for the Recreational Downhill Skier

January 1, 2014

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This article looks at the movement patterns of downhill skiing and suggests strength and conditioning exercises for the recreational downhill skier.

Personal trainers Exercise Technique Program design Downhill skiing personal training skiing Training for Skiing Skiing

The ABCs of Long-Term Athletic Development

March 6, 2018


For emerging athletes to move properly and develop athletic skills, they must first develop proficiency in fundamental motor skills. The ABCs of athleticism, therefore, must reflect the development of fundamental motor skills first, and specific athletic skills second.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Technique Program design LTAD motor skills development long-term athletic development hs-coaching

The 1x20 Strength Training Program for Older Adults

January 13, 2023

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This article explores how personal trainers can use the 1x20 strength-training program to potentially build strength with the older adult client.

Personal trainers Program design Older Adult Motor Learning Strength Training

Sport Injuries: Patterns, Trends, and Current Thinking

July 8, 2019

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World renowned Olympic training coach, Dan Pfaff, discusses how coaches can become a better performance supplier when managing athletic injuries. Pfaff also explains how to reduce lost time in practice and competitions, as well as how to reduce acute and chronic injury factors.

Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique Program design Client Consultation|Assessment Sports Medicine Kinetic Chain Movement Screening Return to Play Gait Control Motor Patterns

Reducing the Risk of ACL Injuries in American Football Players— Early Investment for Long-Term Gains

March 18, 2019

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Football is a high intensity collision based sport that has an inherent risk of injury in both competition and practice. The focus of ACL injuries and the development of injury prevention programs have been key in the development of youth athletes to keep them participating in sport with reduced risk of injury.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Organization and Administration

Home Training Methods: Improving Strength, Power and Hypertrophy Performance Attributes with Limited Equipment

May 28, 2021

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This article, tailored to individuals who do not have access to traditional equipment, will explore the exercise methods that less-impacted populations utilize during the shutdowns, and examine how those training effects can benefit strength-, power-, and hypertrophy-minded athletes.

Personal trainers Program design Aerobic Training High-Intensity Interval Training Lighter-Load Training Mind/Body Training

Windows of Opportunity

April 8, 2019


This book excerpt from Developing Agility and Quickness describes the windows of opportunity in youth athletes to time progressions in speed and agility training with their biological and chronological development.

Coaches Program design Youth Athlete PHV Speed Training Peak Height Velocity

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