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(127 found)

Trainability of Neuromuscular Power in Youth

December 29, 2023


This excerpt from Developing Power discusses neuromuscular training for youth athletes.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Program design Power Neuromuscular

Integrative Neuromuscular Training for Youth

April 1, 2013

Article Members Only

Coaches can help children and adolescents develop athletic ability by including motor skills training into sports practice and training. This approach is called integrative neuromuscular training.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design kids and strength training INT integrative neuromuscular training skill development hs-coaching

Integrative Neuromuscular Training for Youth Basketball Players

January 1, 2014


Strength and conditioning coaches with knowledge of the exercise principles for youth and the specific demands of basketball can design effective integrative neuromuscular training (INT) programs based on the individual needs of youth athletes.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design long-term athletic development LTAD youth training Integrative Neuromuscular Training hs-coaching

Reducing the Risk of ACL Injuries in American Football Players— Early Investment for Long-Term Gains

March 18, 2019

Article Members Only

Football is a high intensity collision based sport that has an inherent risk of injury in both competition and practice. The focus of ACL injuries and the development of injury prevention programs have been key in the development of youth athletes to keep them participating in sport with reduced risk of injury.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Organization and Administration

Selecting Metrics That Matter: Comparing the Use of the Countermovement Jump for Performance Profiling, Neuromuscular Fatigue Monitoring, and Injury Rehabilitation Testing

Quiz CATD 0.2

The countermovement jump (CMJ) is one of the most used performance assessments in strength and conditioning. Although numerous studies discuss the usability of different metrics in this test, this is often performed within the context of a specific aim. However, to our knowledge, no information currently exists providing practitioners with some over-arching recommendations on which metrics to choose when the purpose of using the test differs. This article discusses how the metrics selected to monitor during CMJ testing may differ when aiming to use it as a proxy for athletic performance, as part of neuromuscular fatigue monitoring, or as part of a test battery for return to performance in injured athletes.

The Science of the Somatosensory System: Enhancing Movement Accuracy

June 17, 2019


As a podiatrist, human movement specialist, and worldwide leader in barefoot science and rehabilitation, Emily Splichal has developed a keen eye for movement dysfunction and neuromuscular control during gait. In this session from the NSCA’s 2018 National Conference, Splichal discusses reflexive stabilization, macro- and micro-stability and how it relates to injury risk, and a ground-up approach to activation.

Personal trainers Coaches Exercise Science Exercise Technique Client Consultation|Assessment Barefoot Activation Stabilization Somatosensory Fascia

Examining the Connection between Training the Core and Performance

November 26, 2021

Article Members Only

This article examines how training the core and performance are connected. This article seeks to help propose how to best use the literature to maximize understanding and use of the current concepts.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Core Strength Core Stability Star Excursion Balance Test

The Case for Gameday Resistance Training in Non-Contact High-Intensity Intermittent Sports

February 5, 2021

Article Members Only

The purpose of this article is to review the related literature that has explored the influence of resistance training programs on the onset of fatigue and muscular power as it relates to non-contact high-intensity intermittent sports, in order to provide suggestions for creating same-day training programs.

Coaches Program design Neuromuscular Fatigue Power Gameday Resistance Training Post Activation Potentiation

Safe Progression for Balance Exercises

May 1, 2017


A major concern with balance and joint-stabilization exercises is to avoid potentially dangerous movements that depend on the preparedness of the athlete or patient and on the state of the healing tissue. Learn about progressions that minimize risk to the athlete or patient.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design balance exercises joint-stabilization exercises strength and conditioning injury avoidance prehabilitation

Assessing Power in Youth Populations

December 31, 2018


The administration and measurement of youth power development has become more available and familiar with the advances of technology. This excerpt introduces varieties of testing and administration practices to assess power in the youth population.

Personal trainers Coaches Program design Testing and Evaluation Power Developing Power Youth Training LTAD hs-coaching

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