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(315 found)

Integrating Safer Tackling Cues in the Weight Room

April 1, 2014

Article Members Only

Integrating weight room cues that are more consistent with those used to reinforce safer tackling techniques on the field may help with athlete retention and buy-in, and prevent potential confusion.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Safety coaching cues safe tackling football strength and conditioning weight training


November 17, 2023


This excerpt from Developing Agility and Quickness aims to provide a snapshot of programming volleyball-specific agility and quickness sessions.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Program design Volleyball Quickness Speed Agility Jumping Hops

Balancing Resistance Training with Sport Practice Demands – Appreciating the RDL for In-Season Strength Training

May 21, 2021

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This article examines why the Romanian deadlift (RDL) provides a suitable in-season strength training application, explores the interlinked relationship between the demands of practice and resistance training, and identifies how the RDL functions with other lower-extremity exercises.

Coaches Program design RDL In-Season Resistance Training Variation Range of Motion

Is the Log Press a Viable Alternative to the Clean and Jerk? An Analysis and Thoughts on Available Literature

February 18, 2022

Article Members Only

This article presents evidence why the log press may be a viable alternative exercise for the clean and jerk for some populations.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Clean and Jerk Log Press Power Mobility Strongman

The Olympic Lifts—Suggested Practices and Common Mistakes

June 1, 2017

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This article reviews the basics of the Olympic lifts, including strength base, skill transfer, snatch progressions, and clean and jerk progressions. This article also covers several suggested practices for strength and conditioning coaches to fine-tune and progress learning and coaching of the lifts.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design NSCA Coach olympic lifts exercise progressions

Sport Performance and Body Composition

June 1, 2017


All fitness components depend on body composition to some extent, and the demands of many sports require that athletes maintain standard levels of body composition.

Coaches Exercise Science Testing and Evaluation body composition weight classes body fat lean body mass

Unbalanced Load Training for Athletic Performance

April 1, 2015

Article Members Only

Integrating unbalanced load training into a strength or hypertrophy phase, or any workout program, can add a tremendous amount of demand on the lateral aspects of the core to help the athlete develop a strong core. Using unbalanced load training may help produce increases in athleticism, balance, and motor coordination without sacrificing strength or explosiveness.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design unbalanced load training strength training weight training

Change of Direction Speed Drill Adaptation

May 6, 2019


This book excerpt is from Developing Agility and Quickness, Second Edition and goes over change of direction drills to help with speed and power development as well as an athletes cognitive and decision making skills.

Coaches Program design Change of Direction Speed Agility

Depth-Drop Push-Up

October 16, 2020


Developing Power brings an explosive take on the push-up and explains the technique behind the depth-drop push-up for upper body power development.

TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Technique Push-Up Power Exercise Technique Eccentric Loading

The Recharge Skate – A Tool for Expressing In-Season Repeat Sprint Ability

March 4, 2022


This article features the recharge skate—an in-season hockey conditioning drill, designed by the authors, to maintain hockey-specific energy system fitness throughout the competitive season.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Testing and Evaluation Ice Hockey Repeat Sprint Ability Alactic Energy Systems Development

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