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(98 found)

Performance through Durability: Integrating Strength and Conditioning in a Sports Performance Department

January 30, 2016


The ability of strength and conditioning professionals to bridge the gap between sports medicine and coaching is the focus of this session from the NSCA’s 2016 Coaches Conference. Coach Ted Perlak explains why coaches should take into account the “why” and the “how” more so than the “what.”

Coaches Exercise Science Program design Professional Development strength coach strength and conditioning technique exercise selection

Developing a Career as a High School Strength and Conditioning Coach

July 30, 2012

Video Members Only

The NSCA provides career-focused benefit videos designed to help members gain expert insight, knowledge and tips to help further their careers.Patrick McHenry presents, "Developing a Career as a High School Strength and Conditioning Coach"

Coaches Organization and Administration Professional Development High School Strength and Conditioning Strength and Conditioning Coach CSCS Jobs in Strength and Conditioning hs-coaching

What I’ve Done, Didn’t Do, and Will Never Do: A Coach’s Perspective on Coaching

July 31, 2017


Bob Alejo passes on some of what he has learned in a long coaching career. In this session from the NSCA’s 2017 National Conference, Alejo discusses what he has learned that might keep you from making the same mistakes or persuade a change in current programming.

Coaches Program design Professional Development Strength and Conditioning Bob Alejo Strength and Conditioning Coaches Strength Programming Athlete Monitoring

Socioeconomics in Strength and Conditioning: A Progressive Approach

February 12, 2021


From the 2020 NSCA Delaware State Clinic, Gordon Jeter and Terique Boyd discuss socioeconomics and how it ties into social issues within the field of strength and conditioning. They also provide actionable pathways for coaches to address these issues and expand the scope of available resources to help provide better educational and occupational opportunities.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Professional Development Socioeconomics Diversity and Inclusion Implicit Bias Mentors

Increasing our Influence through Education, Observation and Participation

May 1, 2015

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This session from the 2015 TSAC Annual Training brings to light areas of coaching influence, while also explaining how to improve your coaching “power.”

TSAC Facilitators Professional Development tsac Coaching influence Power of Coaching Education

Show Me the Money – How to Make Your Business Case for Tactical Fitness

May 1, 2015

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Even the best programs need to demonstrate their value in order to be supported by upper management, supervisors, and employees. In this session from the 2015 TSAC Annual Training, Gaëtan Girard provides arguments and tools that can help build a case for a tactical fitness program within an organization.

TSAC Facilitators Organization and Administration Professional Development strength and conditioning Business Tactical TSAC Fitness

Building and Growing an Efficient and Scalable Online Training Biz

October 31, 2015

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Jonathan Goodman—the creator of the largest collaborative blog for personal trainers—explains why online personal training is so popular today, and how to use online training to grow your business and generate more freedom as a personal trainer. Originally seen as a session at the NSCA 2015 Personal Trainers Conference.

Personal trainers Coaches Organization and Administration Professional Development personal training online personal training NSCA-CPT how to grow a personal training business how to build a personal training business how to become a personal trainer Personal trainers

The Intersection of Therapy and Performance with the Oklahoma City Thunder

January 13, 2020


From the 2019 NSCA’s Coaches Conference, Andrew Paul, Senior Athletic Performance Coach for the Oklahoma City Thunder in the National Basketball Association (NBA), discusses the importance of the emerging role of the dual-credentialed physical therapist/strength and conditioning specialist and identifies communication strategies to help facilitate good relationships and player transitions between the medical and performance teams.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Testing and Evaluation Professional Development Positioning Patterning Mobilization Reload Reinforce

7 Secret Weapons for Fitness Professionals’ Sales Success

October 31, 2015


The “7 Secret Weapons to Sales Success” were developed through interviewing some of the most successful personal trainers in the country, capturing the most relevant concepts from over a dozen sales books, and, most importantly, applying these concepts in the field with actual trainers. In this session from the 2015 NSCA Personal Trainers Conference, Robert Lewis Jr. empowers fitness professionals to take their career to new heights.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration Professional Development business of personal training sales success personal training

Top 5 Marketing Strategies to Implement for Your Fitness Business

November 1, 2015

Video Members Only

One of the universal challenges in running a small fitness business is finding new ways to generate traffic. In this session from the 2015 NSCA Personal Trainers Conference, Josh Leve reviews the results of a survey of thousands of owners, fitness professionals, and coaches to identify best business practices. There is no better strategy to grow a business than leveraging the combined experiences of others.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration Professional Development Fitness Industry Personal Trainers Fitness Business Marketing Strategies

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