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(98 found)

SWAT Physical Fitness From an Operator's Perspective

April 28, 2014


Join Sgt. Ron Sheppard as he talks about physical fitness from the specialized tactical perspective - in this case, the Colorado Springs Police Department SWAT team. With more than 20 years experience, Sgt. Sheppard provides the operators' view of fitness and training.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Professional Development Tactical Athlete TSAC SWAT Training SWAT Physical fitness

Trust: Getting Them to do What They Don't Want to and Like it

December 1, 2017


Motivation techniques derive from building relationships of trust and honesty. In this session from the NSCA’s 2017 Coaches Conference, Marisa Viola, Assistant Director of Strength and Conditioning at Rutgers University, teaches how to connect and impact this generation of athletes.

Coaches Professional Development Motivation Building Relationships Trust Impacting Athletes

How to Create Systems to Successfully Run Your Gym

October 31, 2017

Video Members Only

In this session from the NSCA’s 2017 Personal Trainers Conference, Doug Sheppard explains simple tips that studio/gym owners can utilize immediately to improve efficiency in management and operations. Learn about common errors of studio/gym owners and how to avoid them.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration Professional Development Personal Trainers Fitness Industry Gym Owners Management and Operations

Training with an Integrated Approach: Examining and Organizing Conditioning Effects

April 29, 2017

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In this session from the NSCA’s 2017 TSAC Annual Training, Matt Devine demonstrates the use of physical therapy exercises to enhance restorative and strength accessory work appropriate for various injury histories. Also discussed is a mindfulness practice to enhance recovery from injury and self-regulation.

TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Professional Development recovery exercises mindfulness physical therapy 2017-TSAC-Annual-Training

Strengthening Student-Athletes’ Leadership Skills in the Weight Room

August 8, 2020

Video CEU

Dr. Whitney Moore and Val Smith from Wayne State University use this session, from the 2019 NSCA National Conference, to provide evidence-based motivational strategies and leadership behaviors, strength coach tested relationship-building strategies, and explain different levels of informal leadership training opportunities.

Coaches Professional Development Leadership Motivation Relationship-Building Informal Leadership hs-coaching

Autonomy-Supportive Coaching: A New Perspective on Training Athletes

November 12, 2021

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From the 2021 NSCA’s Coaches Conference, Adam Feit, Coordinator of Physical and Mental Performance at Springfield College, discusses the benefits of satisfying athletes’ and coaches’ basic psychological needs. He also explains how behaviors can help or hinder performance and how to create an autonomy-supportive training and coaching environment.

Coaches Professional Development Behaviors Motivation Support Feedback Autonomy-Supportive Training

Cultural Awareness for Strength and Conditioning Coaches

March 19, 2021


From the virtual 2021 NSCA Coaches Conference, Dan Jahn, Owner of Maximum Sports Conditioning, discusses important language, tools, and strategies for coaches to become more culturally competent. He shares a variety of perspectives and influences on weight room and team culture, and how to appropriately respond in certain scenarios around race.

Coaches Professional Development Race Cultural Awareness Culture Implicit Bias

Recruitment Through Training, Building the Perfect Team

December 3, 2019

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In this session from the 2018 Personal Trainers Conference, Douglas Sheppard, Owner of J & D Fitness Personal Training Studio, discusses how hiring quality staff is one of the biggest challenges in strength and conditioning. He also discusses how he discovered where to find a good coach and how to effectively develop them.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration Professional Development Recruiting Mentorship Hiring NSCA-CPT

Staying Relevant and Impactful with Youth Athletics

January 8, 2019

Video Members Only

A strength and conditioning coach has the ultimate platform to communicate many lessons that can impact the life of youth athletes. In this 2018 Coaches Conference video, Vernon Griffith goes over how to impact youth athletes in more than just weightlifting, and how to be the coach that they need.

Coaches Organization and Administration Professional Development Youth Coaching Youth Athlete LTAD hs-coaching

Learning From Aristotle: My Laws of Strength and Conditioning

August 11, 2014


The NSCA's 2014 National Conference featured Andy Galpin presenting in the memory of Gary Dudley. Calling up Aristotle and the Socratic method, Galpin discusses today's knowledge needs, stating that we do not necessarily need more information, but instead, we need a way to sift through the existing information.

Coaches Organization and Administration Professional Development strength conditioning socrates aristotle

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