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(63 found)

Debunking Nutrition Myths

March 25, 2013


Marie Spano, MS, RD, CSCS, spoke at the NSCA's 2013 Personal Trainer Conference on the most popular nutrition myths and provides evidence debunking each one.

Personal trainers Nutrition Nutrition Nutrition Myths Personal Training

Nutrition Professionals

June 1, 2017


All sports nutrition professionals should be able to answer basic nutrition questions. However, athletes with complex nutrition issues should be referred to the appropriate resource as explained in this book excerpt.

TSAC Facilitators Nutrition sports dietitian registered dietitian registered dietitian nutritionist RD RDN sports nutrition coach

Opportunities and Challenges in the Current Nutrition Landscape of Collegiate and Professional Football

April 15, 2019

Article Members Only

Nutrition plays a crucial role in athletic performance. The purpose of this article is to discuss the landscape of nutrition in collegiate and professional football. It will address the following areas: 1) the current landscape, 2) current practices, 3) opportunities, and 4) challenges faced in collegiate and professional football.

Coaches Nutrition Football Sports Performance Sports Nutrition Nutrition

CSCS EPL - JUNE College of St. Mary 2025


Attend a CSCS Exam Prep Clinic and receive a comprehensive review of the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to pass the CSCS certification exam successfully. Qualified industry professionals use their expertise to assist you and will answer your questions in this 2-day clinic. Strive for success – sign up today for this NSCA Exam Prep Clinic!

The Importance of Protein for Athletes

June 1, 2017

Article Members Only

The goal of this article is to help strength and conditioning professionals properly educate clients on how protein can go a long way in assisting them in achieving their health and fitness goals.

Coaches Nutrition protein for athletes high-protein diet paleo diet NSCA Coach nutrition for athletes

Improving Athlete Conditioning for Performance Coaches

December 1, 2016

Video Members Only

Learn about some updated perspectives on conditioning, technology considerations, and current literature. In this session from the NSCA’s 2016 Coaches Conference, Landon Evans provides practical examples that may help coaches update or improve their current processes.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Athlete Conditioning Performance Coaches Aerobic Training 2016-Coaches-Conference

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