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(74 found)

Justin Lovett | Gathering Infinity Stones


What does it take to become an award-winning Director of Strength and Conditioning in the National Football League (NFL)? Justin Lovett reveals the “we over me” mentality that guides his role with the Los Angeles Rams. Lovett reflects on receiving the 2024 NSCA Professional Strength and Conditioning Coach of the Year Award after being an NSCA Member for over 20 years. He draws parallels between working with high school and NFL athletes — where the desired training responses are the same and ability levels vary — making versatility key. Lovett also stresses the importance of finding clean and effective training methods to accommodate wear and tear in football athletes. He compares the Rams’ hiring philosophy to gathering “infinity stones,” emphasizing character attributes, culture alignment, and staff chemistry. Lovett and NSCA Coaching and Sport Science Program Manager Eric McMahon discuss progressing into leadership and the rise of performance director roles, as well as how to seek out career and networking opportunities. Connect with Justin on Instagram: @strcoachlovett, Twitter/X: @justin_lovett, or LinkedIn: Justin Lovett | Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs or LinkedIn: @ericmcmahoncscs

Coaches Professional Development

Developing Your Simple Personal Training Marketing Plan

June 1, 2017

Article Members Only

There is a formula for attracting more clients into your gym and it can work for you if you commit to following the right steps. This article will explain how to set marketing goals, create a marketing action plan to bring in new clients based on your strengths as a trainer, provide examples of how to implement your marketing plan, and discuss why tracking the success of your plan is important.

Personal trainers Organization and Administration Professional Development PTQ Marketing personal training NSCA-CPT

Navigating the Schedule of an NBA Season—Coaching Perspective

January 1, 2014


The variables of an NBA season constantly change, which requires strength and conditioning coaches to adjust accordingly. The success of a program is often influenced by the coach’s ability to combine strength and conditioning principles with common sense and the ability to adjust to the schedule.

Coaches Program design Organization and Administration strength and conditioning coach NSCA strength coach NBA travel strength and conditioning for basketball basketball conditioning training for basketball

From the Field – What Being a Good Personal Trainer Really Involves

May 7, 2021


This article gives readers a personal insight into the qualities that a successful and credible personal trainer should have.

Personal trainers Professional Development Personal Trainer Communication Referral Clients

The Benefits of Exercise for Adolescents with ADHD and Practical Recommendation for the High School Strength and Conditioning Coach

September 29, 2023

Article Members Only

This article highlights the benefits of exercise for adolescents with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). It also provides practical recommendations for high school strength and conditioning coaches working with ADHD student-athletes.

Coaches Program design

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Special Edition Episode: Korey Stringer Institute


Courteney Benjamin and Yasuki Sekiguchi, from the Korey Stringer Institute, talk to the NSCA Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, Scott Caulfield, about preventing sudden death in the heat and how coaches can plan ahead, create, and respond with an emergency action plan. Find the Korey Stringer Institute on Twitter: @K_S_Institute | Find Scott on Instagram: @coachcaulfield

Coaches Professional Development

Introducing Non-Traditional Sports for U.S. Youth Strength and Conditioning Development

September 24, 2021

Article Members Only

The purpose of this article is to make the case for implementing non-traditional sports into training programs that prepare youth for participation in traditional American sports and bridge the gap between pedagogy of physical education and strength and conditioning youth coaching.

Coaches Program design Pedagogy Gaelic Football Youth Education hs-coaching

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Episode 84: Dr. Chris Morris


Chris Morris, Director or Performance Science at the University of Kentucky, talks to the NSCA Coaching Program Manager, Eric McMahon, about the importance of capturing athlete readiness through data and technology. Topics under discussion include Dr. Morris’s time as a University of Kentucky football player turned PhD student, how sports science is critical to understanding athlete’s capacities on a much deeper view, and developing interpersonal relationships with athletes to create trust and buy-in. Find Dr. Morris on Twitter: @CMorrisPhD | Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs or Twitter: @ericmcmahoncscs

Coaches Professional Development

So You Want to Train Tactical Athletes: Becoming a TSAC Facilitator

May 27, 2013


This career series article focuses on the calling of the tactical strength and conditioning facilitator. It touches on the drive, commitment, and dedication necessary to work with tactical populations.

TSAC Facilitators Organization and Administration Professional Development TSAC Becoming a Tactical Strength and Conditioning Coach Careers in Tactical Strength and Conditioning Tactical Athlete

Good Night – Sleep and First Responders

March 1, 2024


This article aims to bring awareness to the importance of sleep and recovery for first responders, as well as providing strategies to optimize sleep specific to their occupational demands.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Sleep First Responder Firefighter Recovery

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