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(375 found)

Leave No Stone Unturned—Training for Success in the NFL Combine

March 4, 2019

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The NFL Combine is a week-long evaluation process that allows NFL scouts, coaches, general managers, and owners to get an up-close and personal evaluation of the talent that comprises the given year’s draft class. This is a day-by-day program outline to maximize results and effort for the NFL combine.

Coaches Program design Testing and Evaluation NFL Combine Football Athlete Testing

TSAC Report – January, 2019 Research Column

October 11, 2019

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This article is part of a continuing series of tactical strength and conditioning (TSAC) research reviews. It is designed to bring awareness to new research findings of relevance to tactical strength and conditioning communities.

TSAC Facilitators Exercise Science Nutrition Program design Testing and Evaluation Tactical Research Research Report TSAC

NSCA Announces Correction to Published Article


The following erratum, a correction to a published article, appears in the October 2015 issue of the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research.

Quadrathlon – A Test to Measure Improvements in Athletes

October 7, 2022

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This article explains the quadrathlon and how it can help strength coaches measure linear speed, speed-strength (power), and elastic or reactive qualities efficiently.

Coaches Testing and Evaluation Testing Quadrathlon Power Speed Sprint Jump

Assessment Batteries—Practical Decision Making for Firefighter Fitness Batteries

April 1, 2016


In addition to standard health, fitness, or sport assessment guidelines, several guidelines exist for the fire service. Since each agency is different in its preferences, capabilities, and philosophies, applying a standard recommendation may not be possible. This article introduces basic decision-making considerations for fire service assessment batteries.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Client Consultation|Assessment Safety fitness tests tactical strength and conditioning fitness assessment firefighter

Training for Upper Body Power in Protective Security Personnel – A Tactical Athlete Approach

January 19, 2024

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This article discusses the importance of upper body power training for protective security personnel and its potential for an occupational performance marker.

TSAC Facilitators Program design Testing and Evaluation Protective Security Personnel Upper Body Power Tactical Athlete Combat



Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialists® (CSCS®) are professionals who apply scientific knowledge to train athletes for the primary goal of improving athletic performance. Learn more about becoming a strength and conditioning coach with the NSCA certification! Visit NSCA.com for more information on strength and conditioning jobs, strength and conditioning internships, continuing education and CEUs.

Examining the Connection between Training the Core and Performance

November 26, 2021

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This article examines how training the core and performance are connected. This article seeks to help propose how to best use the literature to maximize understanding and use of the current concepts.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Core Strength Core Stability Star Excursion Balance Test

What are the Competencies of a Qualified Strength and Conditioning Professional?


The strength and conditioning profession involves combined competencies for the application of sport/exercise science, administration, management, teaching, and coaching. Its professionals must also comply with various laws and regulations while responding to instances of potential injury, and related claims and suits. This creates remarkable challenges, and requires substantial experience, expertise, and other resources to effectively address them, especially in multi-sport (e.g., collegiate and scholastic) settings.

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