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(162 found)

The Thermal Outdoor Environment in Track and Field – Best Practices Recommendations for Minimizing Risks

July 9, 2021


The purpose of this article is to help disseminate information on the thermal environment during track meets, risk management, and thermal reducing approaches coaches, athletes, and sports medicine personnel can employ for improved athletic performance in a hot environment.

Coaches Program design Safety Track and Field Hydration Heat Stroke Heat Exhaustion Wet Bulb Globe Temperature

Sprinting in Field and Court Sports

May 1, 2017


Athletes in field and court sports require reactive agility—they must accelerate, decelerate, and change direction in a constantly changing environment. These requirements result in technical differences between sprinting in a field or court sport and sprinting the 100-m.

Coaches Exercise Technique speed development sprinting sprinting for soccer sprinting intervals sprinting for basketball

The Use of Acute Exercise Interventions as Priming Strategies to Improve Physical Performance During Track-and-Field Competitions: A Systematic Review

Quiz CATD 0.2

The use of exercise interventions to maximize athletes’ performance is a common practice in competitions. This systematic review aimed to compile research that explored the effectiveness of priming strategies to maximize physical performance in track and field. The literature search was conducted from PubMed and Scopus. One hundred eighty-two studies were assessed against the inclusion criteria: (a) minimum 1-year participation/competition experience; (b) randomized controlled trials with pre-post intervention outcomes; and (c) studies involving exercise interventions applied #6 hours before outcome measures were collected. Fifteen studies satisfied the criteria and were categorized according to the exercise interventions used (i.e., resistance training, plyometric/ ballistic training, resisted sprints, and modified warm-ups). Heavy-loaded resistance training (i.e., .85% 1 repetition maximum) and resisted sprints increased subsequent sprint performance. Plyometrics/ballistic training also positively impacted subsequent jumping (i.e., long jump) and throwing performance (i.e., shot put). Modified warm-ups (i.e., high-intensity sprints and heavier throwing implements) also improved subsequent running and throwing performance. Overall, exercise interventions performed at high intensity and low volume augment subsequent physical performance as close to 4 minutes before the event. However, a sufficient recovery interval must be considered for a positive performance response.

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NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Season 6 Episode 15: Meg Stone


Hear from two-time Olympian, Meg Stone, the first female strength and conditioning coach to head both men’s and women’s strength programs at a major American university. Stone shares her story from being an elite discus thrower towards an unexpected coaching career, with NSCA Coaching and Sport Science Manager, Eric McMahon. She discusses what she believes needs to change to further the strength and conditioning field in support of athlete health and safety. Stone also tells us about what makes the Sport Science Program at East Tennessee State University (ETSU) so unique and beneficial for students. The episode highlights the ongoing work of the NSCA for the prevention of catastrophic injury and sudden death in sport. You can read more about this topic in a recent NSCA press release: NSCA Reaffirms Position on Appropriate Qualifications for Collegiate Strength and Conditioning Coaches. Connect with Meg by email at| Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs and Twitter: @ericmcmahoncscs

Coaches Professional Development

In-Season Training for High School 100-m Sprinters

February 29, 2020

Article Members Only

This NSCA Coach article focuses on the in-season resistance training and mobility exercises designed for the 100-m sprint track and field high school athlete.

Coaches Program design Sprinting High School Athlete Program Design Vertical Jump hs-coaching

Case Study: The Significant Change Quietly Taking Place in High School Athletics


Strength and Conditioning Coaches who are NSCA-Certified are preparing youth for training, using proven strategies that improve their safety and competitiveness.

NSCA Announces 2017 Coach of the Year Awards


Colorado Springs, CO – Coaches Bill Foran, Jeff Connors, and Domenic Reno recognized for their career accomplishments at the National Strength and Conditioning Association’s Coaches Conference on January 4, 2017 in Nashville, TN.

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