All fitness components depend on body composition to some extent, and the demands of many sports require that athletes maintain standard levels of body composition.
CoachesExercise ScienceTesting and Evaluationbody compositionweight classesbody fatlean body mass
As the prevalence of disordered eating in sport continues to increase, sports dietitians and all medical personnel must learn to identify it properly and follow evidence-based practice, including sound judgment, when treating athletes with these issues.
CoachesNutritionBasic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or Diseasefemale athlete triaddieteating disorderssports dietitiansport nutrition
Competence, autonomy, and relatedness are three keys to promoting a more intrinsically motivated athlete. These components can be combined in nearly limitless ways, which is especially important for the long basketball season.
CoachesExercise ScienceProgram designsports psychologytraining for basketballhow to motivate athletesMotivation
The purpose of this article is to explore trauma-related mental health issues and help human performance professionals more effectively train tactical athletes.
TSAC FacilitatorsExercise ScienceProgram designBasic Pathophysiology and Science of Health Status or Condition and Disorder or DiseaseMental HealthTraumaReadiness SurveyTactical AthletesOculocardiac Reflex Activation
Jim Kielbaso, MS, CSCS, spoke at the NSCA's 2013 Personal Trainer Conference about finding balance between working with personal training clients vs athletes.
Personal trainersProgram designOrganization and AdministrationPersonal TrainingWorking with AthletesWorking with Clients
Recent research has developed new ways of approaching macronutrient ratios that challenge the conventional way of thinking. This article takes a look at what is usually recommended for athletes, as well as different lower carbohydrate variations.
CoachesNutritiondiet for sports performancecarbohydrate countingketogenic dietpaleo dietLow carb dietNSCA Coach