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Nicole Fowler - NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Season 7 Episode 10


This episode of the NSCA Coaching Podcast features Nicole Fowler, the Assistant Strength and Conditioning Coach at Phillips Exeter Academy. Fowler connects with the NSCA Coaching and Sport Science Staff, Eric McMahon and Kevin Gregory, about transitioning from collegiate coaching, at Merrimack University and the University of Denver, to now working in a high school. Learn what it means to be “unembarassable” in your coaching and how that helps your strength and conditioning program. The impact of the high school strength and conditioning coach extends far beyond weight room in this episode. Tune in to learn more about programming for high school student-athletes and training insights for youth during the pre-college formative years. Connect with Nicole on Instagram at @nicolesampson104 and @phillips_exeter_strength | Reach out to Eric and Kevin on Instagram at @ericmcmahoncscs and @coachgregorystrength

Coaches Professional Development

Sample Job Description - Full Time Strength and Conditioning Coach


This sample job description is intended to be used as a starting point for creating a job description that is appropriate for your situation.

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Season 6 Episode 3: Glenn Revell


This episode features Glenn Revell, the Head Strength and Conditioning Coach at Central Catholic High School in San Antonio, TX. “Coach Rev” shares insights and advice with NSCA Coaching and Sport Science Program Manager, Eric McMahon, from his transition to high school strength and conditioning from the college setting. This is a great episode for all coaches, teachers, and leaders to realize their value and impact within their community. Tune in to learn about important areas to develop knowledge and skills outside of the traditional strength and conditioning education. Find Glenn on Twitter: @glennrevell | Find Eric on Instagram: @ericmcmahoncscs or Twitter: @ericmcmahoncscs

Coaches Professional Development

Potentiation Warm-Ups for Lifting at the High School Level and Beyond

July 29, 2019


World renowned powerlifter, Matt Wenning, addresses the topic of warm-ups during the 2019 Coaches Conference. Wenning discusses a unique warm-up strategy that coaches can utilize to address athletes’ weak points and reduce the risk of injury through potentiation, pre-fatiguing muscles, and variety in exercise selection.

Coaches Program design Movement Patterns Potentiation Activation Warm-Up Work Capacity hs-coaching

Case Study: Are Outdated Weight Training Techniques Increasing Your Child’s Injury Risks?


Castle View High School Strength and Conditioning Coach says science is leading to safer training methods being used in high school weight rooms.

ACL Protocols with Deceleration Drills for High School Athletes

October 16, 2020

Video Members Only

From the NSCA’s 2020 Coaches Conference, Scott Schultz and Beau Smith show hands-on drills for prehabilitation of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) to reduce the risk of injury in sport. These drills include posterior chain warm-up exercises, plyometric and balance exercises, and proper landing mechanics to reinforce proper hip and knee positions.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Plyometrics Landing Mechanics Balance Deceleration hs-coaching

Purpose and Methods of the Hip Hinge and Squat in High School Strength and Conditioning—with Personal Perspective and Sample Program

January 1, 2015

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The hip hinge and squat exercises, and their variations, are used in many strength and conditioning programs to develop athletes of many sports. The listed progressions are examples of practical implications used to develop athletes, but there may be additional practical and effective methods used by strength and conditioning coaches for similar purposes.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design squat strength and conditioning hip hinge high school coaching high school hs-coaching

Advanced Understanding of Olympic-Style Weightlifting for Sport

September 24, 2018

Article Members Only

Some of the major misconceptions concerning Olympic-style weightlifting for sport are addressed in this article, providing evidence-based recommendations to better implement the snatch, clean and jerk, and their derivatives in the training of high school and collegiate athletes.

Coaches Program design Olympic Style Weightlifting Snatch Clean Jerk High School Coaching hs-coaching

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Episode 10: Jim Davis


Jim Davis, Director of the Good Athlete Project, talks to the NSCA Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, Scott Caulfield, about developments in high school coaching, options for how to structure and fund a high school position, coaching for kindness, and the application of cognitive neuroscience to fitness and exercise.

Coaches Professional Development hs-coaching

Strength and Conditioning Coaches


Strength coaches make up the foundation of the NSCA since its beginnings more than four decades ago and continue to drive our purpose and passion. Learn more about obtaining the acclaimed CSCS® certification, gain knowledge through NSCA's peer-reviewed journals, and get inspired by NSCA's coaching podcast. From tools and resources to thousands of top professionals across the globe, you've got the support and the credibility of an association dedicated to your profession.

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