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(346 found)

Trainer Tips: Hypertrophy

May 1, 2017

Article Members Only

Trainer Tips are infographics designed to help you, an NSCA professional, educate clients and promote your services. These member-only resources can be used for client education, motivation, and promotion.

Personal trainers Exercise Science Program design hypertrophy infographics

Reducing the Risk of ACL Injuries in American Football Players— Early Investment for Long-Term Gains

March 18, 2019

Article Members Only

Football is a high intensity collision based sport that has an inherent risk of injury in both competition and practice. The focus of ACL injuries and the development of injury prevention programs have been key in the development of youth athletes to keep them participating in sport with reduced risk of injury.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Organization and Administration

Developing Athleticism is the C.O.R.E. of Positive Youth Development

December 1, 2012


This article breaks down youth training. To develop athleticism for youth, coaches should follow the C.O.R.E. principles: context in which to apply movement patterns, opportunities to develop proper movement, recognition of physical attributes required, and environments in which youth explore movement.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design teaching athleticism youth athleticism youth training youth athletic development

An Introduction for Parents: What is Long-Term Athletic Development?


What does LTAD mean and how can parents get more involved with their child’s athletic development? Rick Howard provides an overview of youth development, important concepts to understand, ways to impact physical development, signs of overtraining, and further resources that are a great refresher for coaches and can be passed onto parents.

Anti-Doping Resources


The NSCA is committed to provide helpful resources by partnering with the experts in Anti-doping to ensure athlete safety and promote safe sports.

Lower-Body Power Development for Collegiate Female Soccer Players

September 4, 2020

Article Members Only

This article discusses the influence of lower-body power on soccer performance in collegiate female soccer players. It also covers testing for muscular power qualities, different training modalities to use, and sample training programs as examples.

Coaches Program design Soccer Power Plyometrics Complex Training Strength

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Episode 8: Ron McKeefery


Ron McKeefery, Vice President of Performance and Education for PLAE, talks to the NSCA Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, Scott Caulfield, about how he got started with the Iron Game Chalk Talk, his involvement with the NSCA, the value in attending and putting on events, the future of the profession, decision paralysis, and creating culture in the weight room.

Coaches Professional Development

Articles & Videos


Take advantage of the NSCA's library of career insights and tips from leaders in the field.

Grant Reviewer Application


Each NSCA SIG has an executive council composed of a chair and at least two members. Applications are accepted from October 1 to December or January 15 annually. Check back during the application window for information on open positions.

Role of Hormones

May 13, 2022


This excerpt from Strength Training, Second Edition briefly details hormones and their role in the human body.

Personal trainers TSAC Facilitators Coaches Exercise Science Hormones Insulin Growth Hormone IGF Testosterone Estrogen Cortisol

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