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(221 found)

Physical Abilities Test Development—Using Physiological Data to Get a Clearer Picture

June 13, 2016

Article Members Only

Given their ability to discern physiological and technical aspects of a job task, TSAC-Fs may be able to collect some vital information that will assist with the underlying evidence to build the foundation of a physical abilities test.

TSAC Facilitators Testing and Evaluation mandatory physical abilities testing PAT physical abilities test

LTAD, Youth Resistance Training, and Early Sport Specialization: What It All Means


Rhodri S. Lloyd, lead author of the LTAD Position Statement, provides an abbreviated look at what long-term athletic development is and how strength and conditioning professionals can implement effective training strategies into programming to improve health, well-being, and growth.

Assessing Power in Youth Populations

December 31, 2018


The administration and measurement of youth power development has become more available and familiar with the advances of technology. This excerpt introduces varieties of testing and administration practices to assess power in the youth population.

Personal trainers Coaches Program design Testing and Evaluation Power Developing Power Youth Training LTAD hs-coaching

The Inter-Association Task Force for Preventing Sudden Death in Collegiate Conditioning Sessions

May 1, 2017


This consensus statement provides specific conditioning recommendations with the intent of ending conditioning-related morbidity and deaths of collegiate athletes.

Coaches Exercise Science Safety collegiate conditioning rhabdomyolysis safety National Athletic Trainers’ Association

Implementing Olympic-Style Weightlifting in Strength Training for Sport

August 26, 2019

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This article considers some of the main differences between the training of Olympic weightlifters and the use of Olympic weightlifting exercises in strength training for sport.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design Olympic Weightlifting Power Snatch Power Clean Deceleration Plyometric Rate of Force Development

The Olympic Lifts—Suggested Practices and Common Mistakes

June 1, 2017

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This article reviews the basics of the Olympic lifts, including strength base, skill transfer, snatch progressions, and clean and jerk progressions. This article also covers several suggested practices for strength and conditioning coaches to fine-tune and progress learning and coaching of the lifts.

Coaches Exercise Technique Program design NSCA Coach olympic lifts exercise progressions

Building Better Athletes Through Increased Self-Confidence

July 1, 2016

Article Members Only

Planning and designing training programs for a new group of athletes (e.g., a new recruiting class or a new coaching job) can be problematic without a base level understanding of the athletes’ current skill levels. This article describes one system that can be used to determine an athlete's self-confidence on different exercises.

Coaches Exercise Science Program design strength training strength and conditioning program design self-confidence Sports Psychology hs-coaching

NSCA Welcomes New Executive Director


Colorado Springs, CO - A seasoned professional with a history of leading nonprofit, membership-based associations, Michael Massik joins the NSCA as Executive Director effective in January 2016.

NSCA Announces New Sport Science Textbook


The National Strength and Conditioning Association (NSCA) announces today the release of the organization’s newest textbook, the NSCA’s Essentials of Sport Science. This cutting-edge publication brings together many of the world’s top experts from the sport science field to build a definitive resource for the profession.

NSCA’s Coaching Podcast, Episode 30: Maura Bergan


Maura Bergan, Associate Professor of Exercise Science and Sports Studies at Springfield College, talks to the NSCA Head Strength and Conditioning Coach, Scott Caulfield, about social media in the exercise science field, key career decisions, and qualities and values that help you as a coach.

Coaches Professional Development

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